(no subject)

May 02, 2006 03:24

Rose slumped against the rotting walls of the schoolhouse bathroom. The barren lights overhead flickering a wilting yellow off putrefying paint and rusted gore of gnarled razorwire strangled the mutilated corpse with efficient metallic violence. Locked in the bowels of this stinking pit.

Heart raging against its cage of bone, closed eyes rolled heavenward in their swallowed darkness, breathing ragged from terror and confusion. She wanted to scream- scream until her voice rebelled and ruptured.
This place had a way of swallowing hope alive.

Rose Da Silva had fallen headlong into a nightmare she couldn’t awaken from.

This decaying partition the only barrier between her and what she had seen-

What had she seen? Dim ache from her cracked forehead resounded doubt that this was real. That the accident had destroyed the last fraying remnants of her sanity. No, she couldn’t think that way. Sharon was missing.

The thought propelled her upwards, she approached the bathroom stall, hesitating a moment before it before kicking it in.

Where was she? This wasn’t Silent Hill. The bewildered mother sharply turned, but the bathroom had gone, leaving her in the middle of the nexus.

"Hello-?" Rose began apprehensively, her voice strained, cracking under the stress intensity of the moment. "Can someone- anyone please help me? I’m looking for my daughter."
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