Oh god ew.

Jul 15, 2013 15:12

Dear creepy druid,

I wonder if you're the reason the DPS I replaced dropped, because shortly after I zoned in, you emoted "/rubs all over (my character's) legs". I'd prefer no greeting to being immediately creeped on. I told you how gross you were and to not do that again ever, and you immediately got all huffy about "all the prudes" you keep running into. In your eyes, you're "just being friendly".

Your definition of "friendly" and mine are clearly on opposite ends of the spectrum.

You tried to keep up the inappropriate contact, /sniffing and /licking me whenever you were close, which was often. You only laughed and :P-ed when I told you again to stop. Also the "rubs against legs" thing again. You also started making comments about my server and how you didn't roll there because everyone's so uptight and elitist, blah blah blah. If being an "uptight elitist prude" means not putting up with your shit, then yeah, guilty as charged.

I tried to kick you, but didn't notice that the tank was your guildmate until after the kick had failed. Fed up, I just dropped and reported your disgusting conduct. Hopefully you'll get a nice time-out to think about what you did and why it's not appropriate.

Utterly disgusted,
the mage
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