Jul 27, 2012 12:53
What a day... or week... or crazy span of life.
Lots of changes and adventures have happened recently and even though some have been good, I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth and a desire for change. BIG change. Crap, so as soon as I sit down to write I get a call from my boss...
"Can you come in now?"
*sigh* I wanted a whole hour to catch up because I am in a writing mood. Damn. I really wanted to avoid work today due to all the drama that's going on. Well, what am I to do? I gotta go in because after all I did just get a raise. I'll be back later to finish up talking.
Okay it's a few days later and here I go:
-Work's gotten weird. Really weird. One of my friends who happens to be my coworker later in life than she was my friend, started dating my boss. Long story short 1st she asked if I liked my boss and I said no because at the time I didn't. 2nd I started to crush on him because she was right that we do have so much in common. 3rd him and I go get drunk and he starts telling me that he likes someone. I guess her. He lies to me and says no. He did. 4th she calls him nonstop and complains that he's started to like her when at this point she knows I was crushing on him. 5th she has him sleep over. He tries to tell her he loves her. 6th I know all this, he thinks I don't so he lies to me, and then I'm stuck between lies, friends, coworkers. This whole thing has stressed me out at work and outside of work if I hang out with her. It's put me in the middle of them and other coworkers who suspect something and want to ask me. It's taken time away from hanging out with either one because he wants to spend all his time with her, meaning I can't spend time with either one. I'm pissed also because he's done things that are dishonest and disrespectful throughout this whole thing. So yeah...drama.
North Carolina
-I went down to NC and it was so weird. I felt like I was going back home. I love the area, the mountains. I felt focused and at peace. I'm looking toward moving there, but it all comes down to jobs. Can I find one that gives me more than my current one? We will soon see.
Religious Changes
-So I think I'm more okay with the idea of "god" now more than ever. Ever since I was under 10years old. It's funny how I knew then that I had problems with Christianity. Anyways, I asked for a sign one day and got it. Not a sign to believe in God, but a sign from Life about my life. It came. I think life's a weird sneaky sort of creature, but I dig it. I dig it like the Tick digs pez.
Soul Searching
-The soul too is a sneaky lot. It's got good camo, and it knows many terrains. It's adaptable and very fluid being able to blend into many different situations. I think I'm coming to terms with myself and it makes me happy. I wish I just had the gull to dress in drag in public though.
-Once again my Uncle comes in to save the day. I love my family, most of it.
Art and Jobs
-Still working on both... I forgot why I posted this, but I'm sure more will follow at a later date.
I hope I can keep my head held up high through everything.