[Twilight] Dear Bella...

Aug 02, 2008 15:50

Series: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Character: Bella
Warnings: pre-Breaking Dawn. Also, I like Bella in spite of her flaws, so if you are a Bella-basher, I don't want to hear it.
Summary: I don't get Bella's insistence on sleeping with Edward while she's still human.

Dear Bella,

First, let me stress that I am on your side. I know that a lot of people really, really hate your character; they say you're whiny and dumb and a lot of other things. But I love the books, and I actually like you; you have a lot of faults, that's certain, but that makes you normal, and the funny thing is I think that you have faults Stephenie Meyer didn't intend to write into you... I'm not sure she knows they're faults, I mean. The particular one I'm going to address in this letter is: you're selfish, and stubborn as well. It's a dangerous combination in some cases, especially when you're so intent on what you want and what you believe is right that you can't see things from all angles. So I'm going to help you.

I understand that you love Edward more than existing. I get that. But insisting that you two try to sleep together before he turns you into a vampire? Really, really dumb. And even if you end up doing it and it's successful, I will still say that it was really, really dumb. And here's why: you never stop to consider what Edward will be sacrificing by doing this. He's a virgin too, he deserves just as much chance at an amazing night. But instead, he'll be distracted the whole time trying not to KILL YOU. Because even though he *warned* you how dangerous this was, and even though you *know* exactly how strong he is and how easily he can hurt you by accident, you are still *somehow* pushing towards this.

Edward goes along with it, against his better judgement, because he loves you and he's willing to make this happen for you, and he doesn't want you to have any regrets about giving up your humanity. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he wants the experience just as much, or even more, than you do (after all, he's been a virgin for probably 100 years longer), but that doesn't change the face that you're taking advantage of him to suit your own desires. I know you don't really mean to. You love him, and you wouldn't want to deliberately take advantage of him like that -- except for the fact that you don't *see* you're taking advantage of him. Therein lies the problem. Even though your stubbornness is one of the things that makes you a real character (or at least not the complete Mary-Sue that is typical of this genre) it is blinding you to the effects your actions have on those around you. This is your fatal flaw, as it were. Sorry, sweetheart. You're not doing it on purpose.

Wouldn't you rather wait until you were both vampires? I promise, the sex will be just as meaningful, and just as good, probably much better even. Neither of you will have to worry about KILLING each other, both of you will have a wonderful, romantic, lovely night, and it would just be better for everyone.

Unfortunately, instead of just being yourself you have the misfortune of being written by Stephenie Meyer, who, as I mentioned above, I don't think realizes that she's written this flaw into you. Which, really, is kind of fascinating. But I digress. You're probably not going to listen to me.

But I wish you would. I still like you, in spite of your flaws.

Much Love,


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