Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
Character: Percy Jackson
Warnings: None.
Summary: I just freaking love this kid.
Dear Percy,
You are freaking adorable. What I love most about you is that you don't see what people are supposed to be; you see who they *are*, and what they *want* and *need*, and you honestly care about them. Like when Nico showed up on your porch, and he had this big news to tell you, but first you noticed that he had probably never been invited to a birthday party before in his life. So first, you invited him in for blue cake and ice cream.
I don't think I've ever loved you so much as I did the moment I read that. ♥ It warmed the cockles of my soul.
Annabeth'll come around. Trust me. She would have already if Aphrodite hadn't decided to make you two her personal entertainment...sorry about that. I guess it's something you have to get used to, being a hero and all. But anyway, she's totally got the hots for you. I know, I'm a girl, I can tell. ;)
Anyways. I love you. You're amazing. And your voice comes easy to me when writing PJatO fic, which is great. Just thought I'd let you know. ♥
Much Love,