Jun 25, 2004 15:52
My first mini-mester of the summer is finally over!
Free, free, I'm free atlast...
I thank God Almighty I'm free at last!
Free, free, I'm free atlast...
I thank God Almighty I'm free!
...that's for all you dc talk fans.
My Linear Algebra and Public Speaking classes went really well today. I've met so many new friends already :) For instance, in COMM we had to pick a partner, find out everything about them, and then introduce them to the class. My partner was Mr. William Snyder. He was such a cool guy. A Louisianan like myself, he was from New Orleans and misses the Creole cookin' we grew up on. It was fun to talk about different aspects of the Louisiana Life. I love making new friends.
Linear Algebra is a different story. Mr Han is my professor and is of the Chinese decent. First of all, he started a good 30 minutes early... WHAT?... who does that? Secondly, he YELLS at the class... I mean YELLS at us. You know when your teacher will ask rhetorical quesions but never expects an audible response? Well Mr Han is a little different. Whe asks a question... better believe he wants our class to answer. And if we don't, he hits the chalk board and screams "WHA T'U EW DO" (translation: what do you do) until we say something. He scares me - if you want to know the God-honest truth. I thought he was about to go Kung Fu on our butts. I'm going to stick with it though. RATEMYPROFESSOR.COM says he's an understanding guy and grades fairly. I guess we'll see, huh?
Well, today is Friday as well as PAYDAY!!! I'm so excited! Oh, and today we got some business cards. How fun is that??? So now when someone needs to get intouch with me, I'll just be like... oh... wait... here's my card... HAHA!! Yeah, that's right- Dean's moving on up....
Justin Lowe just came by the bank. Awwww... I love him. I think ol' J.Lowe and I are going to hang out tonight, hopefully.
Tomorrow I head to the ATL for a wedding. My best bud's bro is getting hitched. We're going to have so much fun. It'll be so great to see everyone. Not to mention the PAR-TAY we're having afterwards! We get to dance the night away, I can't wait... Oh yeah - let the FUN BEGIN! My brother is a groomsman so he's my date. Better BELIEVE we'll be having us some fun.
I'm going to get back to work. Reg and I are arguing over what to listen to on the radio. He wants the rap on 105.7, which I can handle, but the play the SAME FRIGGIN songs over and over and over and over...... He doesn't like my Rock 103, so we're currently compromising at Y102.
Y'all have a good weekend, now... Later