Supernatural 3x03 - OMG SQUEEE! I mean, "Sin City"

Oct 26, 2007 23:38


This week: Sam pouted, Dean was hot, and there were demons.

Talk about your HEAVY META. I mean, as a stand-alone, the ep was a little lame, but the arc and thematic information delivered? BOWZA. Thinky thoughts EVERYWHERE. I usually try to record my thoughts cold, without hearing/reading anyone else's opinions but thenyxie, with whom I watch it live. But this time... well, I didn't get to it as quickly as I usually do, and so I ended up reading a lot, and now I'm TAINTED!

I mean, I do recall that first run, I was not impressed with this episode as a standalone. The story was dumb, the pacing was for shit, and if I was a new viewer... actually, if I was new, I'd still have loved it because of OMG ALL THE PRETTY! LOL I'm so shallow like that.

BUT... this episode ROCKED on character and arc levels, yo! SO MUCH GOOD SHITE -- the great Meta Voices of our fandom are all over this beeyoch. Demons and Angels and Lucifer, and Dark!Sammy The Boy King, and sort-of likable demons and Dean learning about grey areas and and and Bobby and the Colt and Ruby OMG!

Okay, now I'll watch again and comment as I go. *G*

I'm not sure if it's cool or lazy that the previouslies are used to let us know what the theme and direction of the episode's going to be?

I was telling thenyxie last night that every time I see nuns, I expect Angelus to be lurking in the shadows. Hee.

Now... when did the demon get into the priest? Because... he wouldn't be able to handle holy objects or march around in a church, would he?

Man, that nun's got a hearty scream, yo!

I was wondering if they were going to put the Colt back together.

Also, Dean molding bullets? Hot.

Bobby rules. I do, however, really really want to buy him a new hat.

So it's been two months since the gate opened?

Margaritaville. Hee.

Mirrors on the ceiling, baby. Woot!

And here's this guy who's almost Whistler! His sister Cheryl. Hee. Which seques into "My brother, Dean."

Gank her? Yikes. I love that Richie has cheezy porno music as his ringtone.

Hahahahaha. Dean and his Magic Fingers issues. "I'm not supporting your sick habit."

WHORES EVERYWHERE! And finally some rock! Have we heard CCR before? Oh yeah, Bad Moon Rising.

Dudes, this town was MADE for Dean. LOL.

Hee. The bartender is hot.

"Stings, don't it?" Why do I get the impresssion that Dean might have swiped a chick out from under Richie?

What the hell does "You could fit that ass on a nickel" mean? I assumed it meant her ass was tiny, but it's totally not. Anyone? Buehler?

Ah! The priest and the bartender. Total chemistry.

Hurricanes. Man, I drank a shitload of those when I was in New Orleans in 85 and puked like a freaking fire hydrant, man.

Woo! Nice tackle, Dean!

Ooh, Sammy's looking BADASS man.

Hee. "The only thing possessing him was a six of Pabst." PBR!

EW! Gratuitous spinning head shot!

Notice the boys splitting up again. I find it so interesting that they're walking parallel, but separate paths this season.

Now, the whole Bobby-Ruby scene makes me go hmmmm. I mean... first, Bobby shoots her to "tests the colt". Then... she helps him fix it? And thenyxie asked an interesting question -- are we sure that's Bobby at the end?

Sam, you really need to turn off your cell if you're sneaking around the bad guys.

BWAH. Lady, Dean Winchester doesn't PAY for SEX! It's hilarious that Dean gets so offended. Hee.

Oh, DEEN! Putting yourself in the line of fire for your friend. What a sweetie.

Hee. "What kind of psycho are you?" Sammy so cute! I tell ya, Jared is really bringing it this season.

What's that tattoo on the bartender demon's arm and how come this chick couldn't be Bela? She's really hot!

Now... if demons can just toss shit around like that, how have the boys EVER performed a successful exorcism? Why don't they just call down storms and earthquakes and stuff?

Hee. As kita0610 said, it's MAJORLY hot when a chick calls Dean a bitch.

Now... if Dean is worried about air, why would he light candles?

Oops. I was sure Dean was so cool he'd remember the exorcism ritual.

Do any schools teach Latin anymore?

Sammy's all intense, yo. And yet, completely uncomfortable around the hooker.

And Casy continues the them that Envy started back in TM7 -- people are just animals, easily tempted. Give us the right stuff, and we'll just walk on in to Hell. As Dean is so aptly demonstrating. She makes such calm, cool points that makes so much sense, and don't they say that's what the devil does?

Now... is Sam just too trusting of the priest, or does he have some subconscious instinct?

It's REALLY interesting that the demon's have a religion. Nice Cheney slam in there.

Ah... and here is Dean, trying to be cool, but MAN, Jensen fucking brings it, man.

The priest wants to protect his girl, man.

The fear, man. The bravado. ILU DEEN!


Damn, Casey is SMOKING hot. Hee. "I don't think you'd respect me in the morning." "Hey, that's okay. I hardly respect you now."

Azazel! Now we know that there are lots of demons after Sammy, too. THE BOYS ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE, YA'LL!

BOBBY! Father Demon Guy! Ruby!

The demons were totally going to let him go, man. But Sammy's cold, yo! The second time we've heard him called that. And Dean's all, Um...

SO MUCH GOING ON HERE. I'm no meta girl, but I HIGHLY recommend cruising around LJ and reading the TONS of meta coming out of this ep.

Bobby LIES like a dog, yo.

It's wild to watch the beginning of the last scene in the ceiling mirror.

Ruby has SO got Sam by the short and curlies, man.


Things are gonna get HAIRY, Y'ALL!!!!!


I also just read the TV Guide interview with Jensen. I just adore that kid. He's no dummy, either. There's spoilers in there, but I can say that he realizes as much as we do that their show's real audience is women late 20s and older, not teenyboppers the way the network insists. He also has choice words about the fact that the network can't be arsed to promote them for shit.

Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.

These articles also point out why the casting changes this season were really needed, for his and Jared's sake.

It is. We're going 14, 15 hours a day Monday through Friday. We shoot nights, out in the cold, the rain. I read an interview that Matthew Foxgave about working on Lost in Hawaii and he said, "It's great. I only work two or three days a week. I spend time with my family at the beach." I wanted to kill myself.

Because the cast is really only the two of them, they have to be in every scene in every episode. That's got to suck!

And I think I just heard the sound of a million fangirls killing themselves -- Jensen says he's had a beard girlfriend for over a year. *G*

Aw, damn. I shouldn't have read that second part. There's a big casting spoiler in there that I wish I didn't know. SHIT!

Hee. He ends with "Please write to Kripke. Tell him not to kill me."

Get to it, ladies!

reviews, supernatural: season 3

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