AUTHOR: Ducks,
theantijossE-MAIL: ducksfanfic@gmail.com
FANDOM: Angel/Supernatural Crossover
DISCLAIMER: Wow, so not mine on either count! Thanks be to Whedon and Kripke for use of their respective sandboxes. And hot, slashable characters. *G*
WARNINGS: Slashy goodness, angst
PAIRING(S): Angel/Dean Winchester
TIMELINE: Post-NFA, AU SPN Season 3-ish
SYNOPSIS: Angel has only one answer to Dean's questions.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is part of a much larger story that I'm writing in fits and starts, but... you know how I love the porn. It exists for its own sake. *G*
FEEDBACK: I'd love some, thank you!
getlaid25 prompt .025 Angel/Dean Winchester
Thanks to my beloved
thenyxie for more reasons than I can count -- not least of which is getting me all cracked out on SPN to begin with. And always encouraging my naughtiness.
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