003: Theme - Wings

Aug 10, 2011 20:25

Welcome to the Dean/Castiel & Jensen/Misha Kink Meme!

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Theme: WINGS
This could mean wing!sex, wing tattoos, wing grooming, corporeal wings or incorporeal wings. It's up to you to interpret the theme in some way in your prompts.



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Re: FILLED: D/C- Seeing wings for the first time, Shimmer and Shine 2/2 misachan August 11 2011, 05:48:05 UTC
He didn't dream of the pier again until after the whole Whore of Babylon fiasco. He wondered if that had been Cas' doing, but it didn't really matter now; Castiel was sitting beside him, still looking miserable and hung over. "Cas, you know we can talk when I'm awake too, right?"

Castiel was silent. The sun was high and Dean couldn't help staring at the reflection of his wings shimmering in the water; they were curled around him this time instead of extended, the light reflecting from their curved edges into patterns that were hypnotizing in their complexity. "Dude. Just look at yourself."

Castiel tilted his head, the slight movement bending the light against his wings in a way that kept Dean from breathing for a moment. A bleak look of appraisal crossed his face. "I'm really very ordinary, Dean."

That was easily the most insane thing he's ever heard Castiel say, and there was a lot of competition for that title. Dean just shook his head. "How're you holding up?"

He didn't know how Cas' eyes could so desolate surrounded by such beauty. "I don't know what to do now," he whispered. "I was so sure of my path. I...." His voice dropped low. "I hadn't thought my sin so unforgivable." His lips pressed to a thin line, then he pushed himself to his feet. "I don't mean to burden you. I'll..."


Castiel paused, his eyes puzzled. "Yes?"

Dean tackled him into the water. He wrapped his arms tight around Castiel's waist as the water passed over their heads, watching the impossible wings stretch and expand to fill his field of vision like a glittering diamond sea. He cradled Cas' face with one hand and kissed him, gently coaxing his mouth open as he felt surprise gradually turn into something desperate and fragile. They were still kissing as Dean pulled him back above the surface; the wet hair hanging in Castiel's face made his eyes look even more impossibly blue. "God is a dick, Cas," he said, watching the shock of the blasphemy rush through him. "Fuck him. If he doesn't want you, it doesn't matter. I do." Dean didn't know Cas could pack so much emotion into a single look. "You understand? I do."

He felt Castiel shiver and then Cas was kissing him, pressing close with a sigh that hit Dean like a drug. Just before he closed his eyes Dean caught one last glimpse of those perfect wings, shining under the surface of the water like a promise.


Re: FILLED: D/C- Seeing wings for the first time, Shimmer and Shine 2/2 angel_kink August 11 2011, 06:10:30 UTC
Oh my god i love this so much I can't even describe. Season 5 Cas is my favorite Cas and I love the use of dreams. ;__; It's beautiful.


Re: FILLED: D/C- Seeing wings for the first time, Shimmer and Shine 2/2 mulder200 August 11 2011, 13:33:15 UTC
Ah! That was so beautiful and sweet and I love how Dean came to Cas's rescue.


ARCHIVED deancaskinkmod August 11 2011, 21:09:55 UTC
This fic has been archived at the delicious account.


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