[Public] movies

Jul 11, 2010 23:42

As most of you know, I have a community called weekly_movies. (And if you dont' know, now you do. Go! See it in all its glory!)

The premise began many years ago in a previous relationship with a guy who loved to watch movies, and was appalled at the fact that I had seen maybe 10 movies ever. So he made it his goal to educate me about movies. We asked friends, family, and of course THE INTARWEBS what movies I should just not live without seeing. We compiled a list of 400 movies, and looked up all their ratings on IMDB. I didn't want to watch all the best movies first, because then i would have no motivation to finish the worse ones. Then again, I didn't want to start with the bad ones, because then I'd have to wait many years to watch the good ones. And so, I started in the middle, alternating between getting better and worse.

Shortly after this (by shortly I mean about a year and a half later), he and I split up. I am now engaged to marry a guy who does not like movies at all. In fact, he has probably seen fewer movies than I had before I started this project.

The next movie on this list that I spent lots of time forming meticulously is the second movie in the Matrix trilogy. I -could- watch it, and make more progress on the list. But you see, the Matrix trilogy just happens to consist of three movies that he actually LIKES and WILL WATCH again. We watched the first one before I left for my summer internship, but were too busy to get all the way through.

And so I am saving that movie. I'm saving it until I get back to Texas, and then he and I can watch it together. But of course, because i spent ages putting together the list, i'm completely and totally anal about the ordering. I will not under any circumstances skip ahead and watch the next movie, and just come back to this one. Everyone is annoyed by this. Some are annoyed because they want to watch a movie with me, but i won't because it appears later in the list. Others are annoyed because I want to watch the next list movie with a certain person (whether it be my fiance or a particular friend) and so I hold up the whole list until we can find a convenient time to watch it together.

But you know what? It's my community and my life and I'll run it how i want thankyouverymuch!

So... no new "list movies" probably until mid-august. Though probably watch some random movies that dont' appear on the list (and new relases... since the list was made in 2004 nothing newer than that is on there). And I'm bored a lot.

So if you have recommendations for movies released since 2004, let me know! (Except not either Batman movie, or Superman Returns or The Time Travelers Wife or Toy Story 3 because i've already seen them)

communities, friends, movies

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