Brothers on a Motel Bed Meme - a Sam/Dean pornathon

Feb 19, 2009 23:58

“Could you be more gay? … Don't answer that.”

Welcome to the Brothers on a Motel Bed meme, the ultimate Sam/Dean pornathon. The plot is optional, the porn is not.

Warning: all posts will contain copious amounts of graphic wincest, so if that squicks you, run away as fast as you can.

Rules: The main pairing must be Sam/Dean. There is no minimum or maximum word count, though short and sweet is preferred (in true meme fashion.) Think of it as a game of tag: An initial one-word prompt is posted; a writer answers the prompt and places their own one-word prompt at the end of their fic; the next writer answers the previous writer's prompt and places their own one-word prompt at the end of their fic. You can answer as many prompts as you like, so long as you follow with a prompt for the next person that comes along.

Posting example:

evil!Sam/Dean - NC-17 - “heat” (<-prompt you are answering.)

[fic text]

Prompt: “kiss” (<-your prompt for the next writer.)

Happy posting!

EDIT: If you would like to link your responses to comms/other journals, please link them directly to your specific comment, to make it easier for your readers to find. Thanks!

EDIT: Meme Masterlist:

Sam Dean - NC-17 - "Salt" by: deamsgirl 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Fingers" by: deviant_dev 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Pie" by: buyo105 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Freckles" by: deamsgirl
Sam/Dean - R - "Sticky" by: biggelois
Sam/demon!Dean - NC-17 - "Beg" by: deamsgirl 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Graveyard" Part One and Part Two by: lucilla_darkate 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Nightmare" by: weirdnessmagnet 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Jacket" by: someblazingstar 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Breathless" Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five by: ticklemepanic 
Sam/Dean - R - "Revenge" by: deamsgirl 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Backseat" by: ticklemepanic 
Sam/Dean - R - "Blade" by: space_raider182 
Sam/Dean - NC-17 - "Concrete" by: buyo105 
Sam/Dean - R - "Roadside" by: space_raider182 
Sam/vampire!Dean - NC-17 - "Ice" by: deamsgirl 

wincest, sam, dean, meme, fan fiction, supernatural

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