
Dec 10, 2011 21:09

I'm in a rare Star Wars fanfic-reading mood, but of course everything I click on seems to be either an AU of an AU or OOC mush. In fairness, it probably doesn't help that my fic craving is ridiculously specific, like 'Anakin and the Jedi and slavery, post TPM' or 'Luke, Leia, Han wartime bonding during the OT'. Sure, that'll be on the first page of ( Read more... )

fanfic, star trek, rambling

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gabri_jade December 14 2011, 08:29:21 UTC
Well, after a cliffhanger like that! Apparently the BBC is trying to kill us all. :P

No, that's not unhelpful. Back in the pre-internet stone ages, I saw all my BBC programming via PBS. It's just that these days, the lag between BBC and PBS air times is agonizing. :P Amazon Instant Video and the iTunes store both have season one, so hopefully at least one will have season two once the BBC airs it. No streaming tv at all??? O_O I try not to be one of those people who declares life to be meaningless without the latest technologies, but I heart streaming tv endlessly. I would send you some if I could.

I've never seen anything about Tintin here, books or otherwise. I had heard of it before I first saw you mention it, but I really have no idea how I became aware of its existence, and about all I knew was the name. (I think I had a vague idea that Tintin was something about a dog, like Lassie. :P ) That tidbit about Spielberg, if true, wouldn't surprise me in the least. America is very, very good at exporting its culture but not always great about importing that of others, sometimes to a worrying extent. There are of course exceptions, and I live in a particularly blinkered area, which could unfairly skew my observations, but in the words of Elizabeth Bennet: I must speak as I find.

I will go see the movie when it comes out, and you can tell me what they got right and what they got wrong. Hopefully most of it will be right. :D


deaka December 22 2011, 11:24:32 UTC
I know! Horrible cliffhanger. I get the feeling this series isn't going to be any better, given the last story they're adapting. (Um. Ignore this if you don't know what I'm talking about. Spoilers...)

In fairness we do have 'tv on demand' type things where you can go to the website for the channel and stream the episode, but it's pretty useless for the most part. The ABC has a BBC-style iView which is all right. Nothing that you can pay to order and stream what you want to watch, though.

The Tintin-dog association might possibly come from Rin Tin Tin? I know a lot of people here get the two confused. :P And Tintin does have a dog called Snowy, so there is that. I'm hoping that the movie is fairly faithful -- I know they're amalgamating a couple of stories, but what I've heard so far is promising, so fingers crossed.

Oh, and I got the package yesterday! I will email you properly, but thank you. *hugs*


gabri_jade January 1 2012, 22:47:19 UTC
Supremely belated "you're welcome." *facepalm* *hugs* :P

I'm still not seeing any online options for Sherlock. I am hoping that maybe Amazon Instant will have it available within a week or two; otherwise I just don't know. ARGH.

It might really be the whole Rin Tin Tin thing, yeah. But I have seen the Tintin movie! I liked it. What do you think?

Now I will go sneeze, since I have caught the cold that laid out the rest of the family last week and which I thought I'd escaped. Sigh.


deaka January 3 2012, 13:18:27 UTC
I meant to reply to your message and still haven't! *facepalms in turn* :p

Oh, that sucks. I'll keep an eye and ear out and let you know if I come across anything. Just make sure you stay away from spoilers in the meantime!

I really liked it. They changed quite a few things and combined a couple of the stories, but I was more or less expecting that, and they managed to do a decent job in keeping with the feel of the books. The whole 'we must fight because our eerily lookalike ancestors did' thing was an adaptation invention (kind of silly IMO, but okay).

I was going to say that summer colds are awful, but then I remembered it's not summer for you. :p Well, winter colds aren't great either. Hope you feel better. *hugs*


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