Dear FFN:

Mar 10, 2010 21:55

Unless we were watching entirely different movies, the Owen Lars in ANH was not abusive or cruel. Beru Lars was not downtrodden and repressed. They were undemonstrative, maybe, but it was clear in my version at least that there was affection aplenty there for one another and for Luke.

And while we're at it, Obi-Wan in OT was not exactly brimming with anguished sympathy for Vader's lonely existence. That scene in RotJ? He didn't beg Luke to believe in Anakin, he told him to go and kill him because Vader was absolutely, irretrievably, incontrovertibly beyond all hope. And if Luke couldn't do it, well then by jingoes he'd damned the whole galaxy to its terrible fate. I think he's great and all, but this is not a man who is viewing Vader's tortured plight with tenderness.

By all means, though, please continue to delight, horrify and surprise in equal portion.

rants, why am i still awake?, meta, blah, rambling

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