"I had a dream I was a Jedi. I came back here and freed all the slaves..."

Feb 20, 2010 23:41

Has there ever been confirmation about what happened to slavery on Tatooine? To my knowledge canon has never covered exactly how and when the practice was ended. I wonder if Luke grew up in a culture where the concept of slavery as a commonly accepted practice was, if not normal, recent enough to still be real and raw? Or was he not exposed to it, being raised in an area that was remote even by Tatooine standards? No doubt Owen and Beru had strong feelings on the subject, given their affection for Shmi, but did they avoid the subject because it touched even obliquely on matters they wanted to keep Luke well away from?

And how did widespread slavery come to be eliminated in the first place? Was it a flow-on effect from the Hutts' loss of status when Imperial rule came to Tatooine? Was, as I very vaguely remember reading somewhere, human slavery outlawed in all worlds under the Empire? (And if so, was Anakin behind that precept?) Did it die out at all, or is it still happening at the time of ANH and beyond? It's obviously still in play in Jabba's palace as of ROTJ.

It occurred to me that would be kind of ironic if Luke happened to casually reveal that the Darklighters kept slaves and that that his cultural conditioning has left him with the impression there's nothing wrong with enslaving someone. Just out of the blue. And Leia's head would probably explode from sheer outrage.

star wars, meta

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