(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 22:42

I have the strongest feeling that there was something I came on specifically to post, but I seem to have forgotten exactly what it was... Not of vital importance, obviously.

I've been reading Dorothy L. Sayers lately, and just finished Gaudy Night. I've enjoyed all of them so far, but GN shone out in particular. The mystery could have been more elaborate, but if I'm honest, I'm not reading for the machinations of the plot so much as for the characterisation... that probably applies to any genre I read, so not surprising there.

And the characterisation in GN is brilliant. Sayers doesn't hold back from the complications involved in two driven personalities meeting and negotiating a space as equals, and she gives the interactions a depth that resonates off the page. It's fascinating to see how Peter grows as a character through the series, especially once he meets Harriet Vane. Harriet shines in her own right as well. I've seen her accused of being an author avatar, but there is a difference, I think, between that and being a Mary Sue - a character might be autobiographical but if they're well-rounded and have flaws and vulnerabilities, I don't see a problem. It's when he or she becomes an anviliciously narrative-approved exemplar of humanity right down to perfect pitch that you have to start to worry. *eyes numerous long-lost sibling fics on FFN* Harriet doesn't seem to have that problem. Besides, she's just kind of awesome and subtly snarky and I do love her.

And the Peter/Harriet is a joy to read. I'm starting to see a bit of a trend in my fandoms, oddly - most involve a complicated relationship involving some form of traumatic event at the beginning, a duration of time in which principals struggle with the various emotional obstacles, followed by an eventual resolution... That covers Luke/Mara, Miles/Ekaterin, and Peter/Harriet, which I've only just realised.

... I still haven't thought of whatever else I was going to post about. *is vaguely annoyed* It wasn't a certain inaugural event, though even with no time to read or watch the news I've heard an astounding amount on that subject. I am bemused that so many American political events seem to be half rock concert as well, but it seems oddly fitting in its way. :p I'm still trying to imagine that working for Australian politics. The mind boggles a little...

books, rambling, lord peter

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