Oct 23, 2005 17:31
hey everyone,
The guy I was supposed to meet last night flaked out on me.. surprise surprise (NOT!) But interestingly enough... I talked to a friend of mine.. It turned out that HE also know that "flakey" guy... Yeah, gay community in Seattle is quite small... I learned more about that "flakey" guy from my friend.... It turned out that guy did the same thing to my friend.... So... in other words, NEXT!!!! There are SO many flakey guys in gay community here in Seattle. Can the gay men ever be real??????? Can they drop their masks/fears and just be damn real?!?
Case in point: I have sent some emails to some guys on some sites, just saying a simple Hello (not saying want to marry them!!).. Of course haven't heard from them... and some of them deleted emails... For God's sake, it's just a HELLO!!!!!!! That's how some guys are like that in Gay Seattle. There's one guy I see lot of times in bus on way to work.. I see him all the time.. just wanted to say hello... I saw his profile on one site so I sent a simple hello to him.. and of course I saw him deleted the email.. cuz this site lets me know who deleted my emails... who doesn't delete emails.. ah, technology!!! :)
I talked to Francis twice yesterday in a single day yes... we finally got in touch... Ever since he moved to Nova Scotia, he's miserable.... poor guy... in middle of nowhere... It's nice to hear something from him...I will always always care for him... always... so I'm just glad that I'm hearing something from him.. and hope we talk more.....I think since he's now in a "relaxed lifestyle", maybe he's more himself? While he's in Vancouver, probably not himself since he's surrounded by busy/hyper people? Who knows?
Had finally heard from Yoga Instructor... so all is well.. he had problems with email.... sending back and forth on spirituality. Pretty good discussion.
I had a great workout today at my gym with my muscular Russian Friend Oleg.. He's funny as hell... He's teaching me more workout stuff so that's cool...
Ugh.. this week's going to be pretty busy!!!! Have few tests to give (always, smile)... The only thing good about this week is that next Monday I'm off from work!!! so I can start looking forward to that.....