Ten Years Later

Dec 14, 2014 01:10

So. It's a few years since I last posted. Mostly because society, as a whole, moved onto Myspace, then Facebook, and completely forgot about Livejournal. In the half-hearted, mostly masturbatory process of humoring myself believing that I will possibly write a memoir of my life from 2005-2015 (which it isn't even yet), I looked up my old Livejournal as research into, well, myself.
In a post from mid-April, 2005, I found this survey. Remember surveys? I wish I could write a memoir in Livejournal survey form. It would supply all the self-importance I'm apparently craving right now, but with much less work than having to worry about memoir-ish things like literary motifs and grammar. Anyway, enough justification masquerading as self-deprecation! I thought it would be fun to post the old survey and the new one (almost ten years later) side by side. Here we gooooooooo!!!!

____Your Life____

[x] they call me: Jen, Jenny [a couple of years ago (I think it might have been when I moved to Seattle in 2011) I decided I should reinvent myself as a more serious, respectable personality and started introducing myself to everyone as 'Jennifer'. After almost 4 years of calling myself 'Jennifer', there's very few people who still call me 'Jen'. The only people who call me 'Jenny' are people who don't know me and presume that I would respond well to a diminutive (I wouldn't.), or my Grandma.]
[x] sex: female [Still true. I checked.]
[x] my first breath of air: July 25th, 1986 [Yup]
[x] occupation: salvation army, wha wha? [First of all. Fiiiiirrrst of all. I was just telling Dan the other day about how I got fired from a Salvation Army once. It's a pretty embarrassing fact, but it's also probably the most accurate thing that has ever happened to me because of course I would go to Salvation Army for the hipster cred in 2005, and of course I would think to myself, "I would be SO. COOL. If I worked at a Salvation Army!", and of course I would apply and of course I would not give a shit about anything except telling people I met at shows that, "Oh, me? I work at a Salvation Army right now...no big deal.", and of course I would immediately get fired. Second of all, I kind of love that I am so proud of the fact that I work at Salvation Army that I add a 'wha wha?' at the end of my answer. It's like the only reason I even got that job was so that I could answer this Livejournal survey question in this exact manner. You do you, I guess, self.]

_____Rewind_____ [This'll be rich.]
[x] most memorable memory: anytime i've gone to ann arbor recently. [It's cute that I put that. I really did love going to visit Trey and Amy and everybody in Ann Arbor. Those were some good times. I'm reminded of one particular time when I hooked up with a guy named Ben whom I found on Myspace, only to discover upon meeting him that he was really short and also a huuuge douche, so after I shut him down mid-makeout and went back to Amy's dorm, me and Amy stayed up and I posted mean things about him on his Myspace wall. ahhhhh.
[x] first word uttered: um, i don't fucking know? [Yeah, I still don't know.]
[x] first best friend: Lisa Fiorito [Aw, yeah, she totally was. This is cute.]

[x] love is: bullshit [Wow! Pretty cynical, there, 19 year-old me!]
[x] Been in love?: yeah [So cool. So monosyllabic.]
[x] love or lust: like, which do i prefer? It depends on the situation. [I suppose this would still be true.]
[x] best love song: The Rolling Stones - Angie [OH MY GOD. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I WAS WRONG. GAHD.]
[x] true or false: always false. [Everything is black. All I see is the dark night.]
[x] is there such thing as love at first sight?: no. only lust. [I mean, I guess scientifically this is probably true.]

____Opposite Sex____
[x] turn ons: intelligence, openness, honesty, taste in music/movies [I would say this is still mostly true.]
[x] do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: i've never even considered it. [Ha. Yeah. I think I considered whether or not my Mom would hate someone. Then chose that person.]
[x] sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: surprises. [Truth. I love surprises. Dan set up a surprise birthday party for me last year, but my friend Robbie ruined the surprise by calling me and being like 'where ARE you guys? we're WAITING', but I still acted surprised when I walked in because SURPRISES.]
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: parties, myspace (i'm such a creepy old man.) [I think I only listed 'parties' so that I could pretend I was kind of normal because at this point in my life I met people almost exclusively on Myspace.]
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: myabe if i was drunk. really drunk. [Right. I've never been drunk. The drunkest I've been so far is like, one rum and coke. Or the time I tried to take a shot of Popov and spat it back into the shot glass.]
[x] dog or cat: i'm going to have to go with cat. [Cats!]
[x] short hair or long hair: short for girls, long for guys. w00t ANDROGYNY! [ I said 'w00t'. haha.]
[x] sunshine or rain: rain. we could use some of that. [Rain is good.]
[x] hugs or kisses: hugs from tall people. [Yes! This!]
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: one best. one who will cancel their plans if you really, really need them. [So selfish!]
[x] summer or winter: summmmeeerrrrrrr [Word.]
[x] written letters or emails: either is fine, really. i suppose written letters are more romantic, but, eh. [Samesies.]
[x] playstation or nintendo: um, reality. [I LOLed.]
[x] car or motorcycle: subway. [Motorcycle was obviously the correct answer.]
[x] house party or club: house party for sure. [I think this answer is based on the one time that I went to a club when I was 18 and ended up spending three hours being grinded upon by 40 year-old Iraqi men while attempting to shield my friend from the strobe lights because she decided to tell me that she was epileptic as we were waiting in line to get in.]
[x] sing or dance: sing? [Yeah.]
[x] freak or slow dance: fuckin' neither. BANG it, baby. old school, white girl 80s dancin'. [So, 'BANG' is a reference to the monthly Ann Arbor vintage dance party that I used to go to all the time. And I think it's good that I chose to stay in my wheelhouse with the 'white girl 80s dancin''.]

[x] how are you today?: pretty shitty. [Maybe it's because you work at a fucking Salvation Army.]
[x] what pants are you wearing right now? one of the three pairs of blue jeans that still fit my fat ass. [hahahahaha I would kill my own mother to have three pairs of jeans that fit.]
[x] what shirt are you wearing right now?: Thunderbirds Are Now! t-shirt with my bright eyes and british flag pins. [Pins! Pins on my shirt! I had pins on everything in those days. My messenger bag, my shirts, my hoodies, I even had some on my lampshades in my room. Also: Thunderbirds Are Now! and Bright Eyes.]
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment?: like an 80 year old woman's who owns too many cats. [This is probably around the time period when I had cut my hair into a really shitty bob and then bleached my bangs and the part underneath while the rest of it was black.]
[x] what song are you listening to right now?: the faint remix of Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Y Control. [Hmm, that actually sounds interesting. I don't remember how that goes. I pretty much still only listen to music from 2004, so any answer would have been accurate.]
[x] how is the weather right now?: mild. [It's STILL MILD!]
[x] last person you talked to on the phone: kyle. [Oh weird. I wonder what happened to that guy.]
[x] who are you talking to right now?: no one. [EVER. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS.]
[x] what time is it? 12:53am. [t's 3:26am right now.]

__More About You__
[x] What are the last 4 didgits of your phone #: 4690 [Woah, what phone was THAT?]
[x] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: black, like my SOUL. MY SOULLLLL. I don't know...do they make a polka-dot crayon? [GLITTER CRAYON GLITTER CRAYON]
[x] have you ever almost died?: let's just say it involves 11 year old me and a kneeboard. i don't like to talk about it. [It flipped over on me.]
[x] What is the next CD you're going to buy?: Tilly and The Wall - Wild Like Children IF ROCKABILLY'S EVER GETS ON THE FUCKING STICK. [Haha, "gets on the stick". That was a good album tho.]
[x] what's the best advice ever given to you?: "You can't count on anyone." ouch. emo. [That was probably something my boss said to me when I called in sick because I worked at SALVATION ARMY.]
[x] have you ever won any special awards?: nothing that i think is special, no. [WHAT ABOUT YOUR INVENTION CONVENTION PARTICIPATION AWARD???]
[x] what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: walked into a glass door, probably. [Haha. That, and ordering a BLT after telling my date that I was vegetarian and then explaining that it's okay because a BLT is "Bread, lettuce, tomato."]
[x] how many kids do you want to have?: -3. can i subtract children? [Aw, kids are okay.]
[x] what are you scared of most?: isolating myself. [This is still pretty true. That and silverfish.]
[x] how many Tv's do you have?: in my house? 3. i own one of them. [Now I have 2 and I own zero because feminism.]
[x] do you have your own tv?: ^ [ ^ ]
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: [looks around cautiously] no. [Still no! Thanks for making me drink all that milk, Mom!]
[x] who do you dream about?: i never remember them. [Still true.]
[x] who do you tell your dreams to?: everyone...if i could remember them. [Still true.]
[x] is cheerleading a sport?: it is. you know what, trey? suck it. [If curling is a sport...]
[x] how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?: too many. [Much licks. So sticky.]

___This or That___
[x] blue/pink: a thousand times blue. [Ironic pink could be okay.]
{x} LOTR/Harry Potter: death. [Ha. Yeah.]
(x) car/truck: car [Car.]
[x] summer/fall: summmerrr, mos def. [Pretty sure this has been covered.]
[x] winter/spring: spring [Flowers!]
[x] pencil/pen: pen [Summer.]
[x] white eraser/pink eraser: wow. if this matters to you, you need to just...get away from me. [A Nellie McKay reference?!?!]
[x] coffee/hot chocolate: they both make me sick, but coffee. [Coffee only made me sick because I WASN'T DRINKING ENOUGH OF IT.]
[x] hot/cold: hot [Hot.]
[x] cartoons/reality: reality [Bob's Burgers.]
[x] bestfriend/girlfriend: GIMMIE THAT PUSSY.....? [This was during my 'saying pussy all the time for the shock value' phase.]
[x] right handed/left handed: right. [Yep.]
[x] single/taken: i am as single as they come, baby. [Engaged!]
[x] only child/siblings: siblings [Two!]
[x] book/magazine: magazine. [I've been really into literary journals lately...]
[x] regular mouse/cordless mouse: cordless, duh? [What's a mouse?]
[x] loud keys on keyboard/quiet keys: i prefer the ones that sing 'camptown races', but i'll take what i can get. [heh.]
[x] Internet Explorer/Netscape: FIREFOX. [Still!]
[x] DVD/VHS: i'm not a crazy dvd nazi or anything, but i do prefer them.
[x] singer/actor: meh.
[x] die young/die old: meh.
[x] black pen ink/blue pen ink: black
[x] Rolling Stones/Beatles: rolling stones...i guess.
[x] Coke/Pepsi: neither.

[x] do you play any instrument?: i play the digeridoo occasionally.
[x] 3 favorite generes of music: indie/80s/classic rock
[x] what's the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: hmm....it was probably bright eyes in ann arbor, but i can't remember how much it was. probably 25 or something.
[x] Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny: not really.
[x] Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit listening to?: um...not really.

[x] Do you think labels are dumb?: i think they're hilarious, actually.
[x] What do people label you as?: "awesome"
[x] emotional/physical pain: physical.
[x] being deaf/being blind: i would much rather be blind.
[x] being bored/rushed: rushed, for sure. how is this a label?

[x] do you believe there's a difference between "love" and "in love"?: i never used to.
[x] What song describes your love life right now?: fuckin' Y CONTROL.

[x] what do you think of designer labels: betsey johnson = <3 but i will never own any of her clothes, so meh.
[x] do you sing?: when no one is around.
[x] what color is your room? "chinese lilac" or "purple"
[x] BW or color photos: bw
[x] who cuts your hair?: anyone from london calling.
[x] what color is your toothbrush?: hmm...blue?
[x] what color is your hair brush?: purple.
[x] what kind of hair products do you use: this awesome clay stuff.
[x] are you sexy?: only when someone says i am (woo self-esteem)
[x] who do you sit with at lunch? what is this "lunch" you speak of?
[x] do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: I'M SUCH A MAN.
[x] do you use internet shorthand: GOD, no.
[x] how often do you bathe?: once a day.
[x] are you a people-pleaser: le sigh.
[x] do you wear make-up?: when i think i need to.

___Last Person Who___
[x] slept in your bed: i don't know that anyone has ever 'slept' in my bed.
[x] you saw today: my mom.
[x] saw you cry: jesse.
[x] you shared a drink with?: amy/trey/adam/jimmy/mandi/melissa/pat...etcetcetc
[x] went to the movies with?: jesse. sin city.
[x] went to the mall with: jesse, i think.
[x] yelled at you?: jesse.

[x] been to NY?: FUCKIN LE SIGH
[x] Flordia?: yeah. whatevs. it wasn't that great.
[x] California?: nope
[x] Hawaii?: nope
[x] Mexico?: nope
[x] Canada?: yeah. i <3 canada.
[x] danced naked?: i...don't think so?
[x] dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?: i'm not erica mullen.
[x] stalked someone?: define 'stalked'.

___Pick One___
[x] apples or bananas: bananas all the way.
[x] red or blue: blue
[x] walmart or kmart?: kmart....please god...kmart.
[x] radio or cd: radio if it's the whatsherface show on wdet. LIZ COPELAND. that's it.
[x] drawing or painting: painting

___The Last Few Questions___
[x] lucky number: 21?
[x] weirdest thing about you?: i occasionally talk to m-59.
[x] what do you think of ouija boards?: aw. nostalgia.
[x] what book are you reading now?: catch-22.
[x] What's on your mouse pad?: my mouse.
[x] favorite board game?: clue!!!
[x] favorite sound: rain and crying. oh my god. most emo answer ever.
[x] worst feeling in the world: missing someone who doesn't miss you. also: food poisoning.
[x] what's the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: what time is it, yalls?
[x] do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters: UKFYILVLV no.

____Do You____
[x] smoke?: yes. GIVE ME NICOTINE.
[x] have a dream that keeps coming back: no.
[x] still love him/her: ibilyfliyvlihv
[x] read the newspaper: occasionally.
[x] believe in miracles: no.
[x] concider yourself tolerant of others?: sorta?
[x] consider love a mistake: jbilug
[x] have a favorite candy: um, whoppers.
[x] believe in astrology: i don't 'believe in it' perse, i just like to read my horoscope.
[x] believe in magic: no
[x] have any pets: misty. cat. evil.
[x] go to or plan to go to college: blah.
[x] have any piercings: none whatsoever.
[x] hate yourself: not too much.
[x] have an obsession: is it obsessive to stare at pictures of conor oberst for hours on end and then bookmark your favorites?
[x] have a secret crush: pfft, no.
[x] do they know yet:
[x] have a best friend?: i have a best boy friend and a best girl friend. and they know who they are.
[x] wish on stars: um if i could fucking SEE them. i'm looking at you, macomb township.
[x] care about looks: sometimes too much, sometimes not enough.

____Love /Life____
[x] first crush: oooh lord. i'm just going to keep that to myself.
[x] single or attached?: asexual.
[x] ever been in love: yeah, yeah, yeah.
[x] do you believe in "the one": i guess.

____Juicy stuff____
[x] have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: yes. but i only took off my socks.
[x] have you ever been caught "doing something": this really needs to stop coming up.
[x] too shy to make the first move: not really.

[x] hair: dark brown with blonde underneath and blond bangs
[x] eyes: blue/green

[x] height: 5'7

___Last Thing You___
[x] bought: Beck - Guero (SEX)
[x] ate & drank: chocolate. soy milk.
[x] watched on Tv: Meet The Barkers.

___Where do you___
[x] eat: home.
[x] cry: wherever.
[x] wish you were: anywhere.

__Have You Ever__
[x] dated one of your bestfriends: not as of yet.
[x] loved somebody so much it made you cry: whatevs.
[x] drank alcohol: indeed.
[x] done drugs: tobacco?
[x] broken the law: dur.
[x] run away from home: um...not really.
[x] played truth or dare: of course!
[x] been in a fight: i got bitchslapped in 5th grade.

__Random Questions__
[x] what's on your bedside: the wall
[x] what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night: chocolate.
[x] what's your secret guaranteed weeping movie: amelie. eternal sunshine.
[x] if you could have plastic surgery what would you have done: i would never.


1. Jen
2. Jenny
3. Jennifer


1. remember2thing2
2. AtTheStars0416
3. avrilrawkschick (IN AN IRONIC WAY)


1. smart
2. facetious
3. emotional


1. emotional
2. rage-y
3. blunt


1. english
2. scottish
3. german


1. throwing up
2. travelling
3. being alone


1. clothes
2. car
3. toothbrush


1. jeans
2. thunderbirds are now! shirt
3. underwear

THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS (or artists (at the moment)):

1. Bright Eyes
2. Tilly And The Wall
3. Beck


1. The Stills - Of Montreal
2. The Stills - Yesterday Never Tomorrows
3. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine


1. passing a class at macomb?
2. not talking to jesse
3. not caring about boys




1. i don't really like drinking
2. i get panic attacks
3. i don't care if people like me


1. he's tall.
2. he doesn't like me
3. he's not from macomb


1. get over it
2. math
3. sing


1. concerts
2. driving
3. internet


1. sleep
2. talk to kyle
3. die


1. foreign politics something or other
2. psychology
3. journalist


1. ann arbor
2. new york
3. anywhere on the east coast


1. emily
2. brielle
3. arienette


1. be happy
2. write a song
3. perform a song
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