All I can really say is, "WTF." Because seriously, WTF? Is this the tenor of the new season? Because if it is, I'm going to be seriously disappointed. I mean, look. I knew that Sam and Dean were going to be different. I knew that
Jensen was not happy with the direction of Dean's character because he was being written "soft". I knew these things.
But as my bff Edface said, "I knew they were switching roles, but I didn't know they were switching personalities, too."
Because seriously, that was not Dean, and that was not Sam. At best it was Sean and Dam, which is not the same thing at all. It was sheer WTF and DEAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING and all of the characters seemed somehow muted and I am most unhappy. MOST UNHAPPY.
Also, one question. When the Campbells took off with that djinn, is it because they're trafficking in monsters? Is that what's going on there? Because that would be an awesome plotline, if they are.
ETA: OH. But Jensen looked so motherfucking hot in the episode. I wanted to nom his face. Jared still needs a gorram haircut, though.