
Oct 23, 2008 11:31

Well, its been ages since i've updated this thing, I kinda got bored with it I guess. but I have a few minutes free so thought i'd at least do something, Although i think all of you know most of my goings on anyways. But then i also like typing on my laptop, the keys click and feel different and its a really good feeling, feel like some kinda hacker from films or something.

Right, I have a wonderful girlfriend. Her name is Mel, We've vaguely known eacother from CP Larp for a while now and really got talking alot more during the time between Carnivale and Renewal. At renewal we got friendly and decided to start a relationship (Which is very weird for me as i've been single for 6years, so I'm kinda used to living my life one way). We get on really well ad even with distance between us (approx 200miles) we still see eachother alot and enjoy the times we do get to see eachother. Her family are cool, her uni housemates are cool too. She is at Keele uni and is studying Criminolgy and Forensics, Sadly this means i've had to stop murdering people as she will now detect what i've done. But you can't win them all eh?

CP Larp finished well, Garwin, My Knight character, Survived and is doing good. I really enjoyed cp to the last two events this year, which is good considering i vowed to quit if no effort was made by cp. The effort thankfully was made at renewal and it's given me some hope.
Weekend just gone I played my first Gunfest. I was very dubious at first as i'm always very fantasy minded and wasn't sure i'd get on with a modern/futuristic game. But I ended up really enjoying it. My character was an escaped convict from Mars who had been imprisoned for murder and Rape etc (yeah, I play all the fun stuff), Sadly I never got any chance to really follow through on this as I detonated on the second day and exploded. I did get some interesting bits done, Like following a girl around the room with a knife for a while (she was rather unerved), But I considered the shots i'd taken the next day were enough to kill me so i died. Ah well.
I really look forward to the next gunfest and have also been toying with ideas of doing one of my own, It would be fantasy warfare, based in modern/semi futuristic setting, but with fantasy creatures and races. So Orcs with guns etc and stuff like that. Dunno if others would be interested, shall see if/when i get round to sorting it.

I have a laptop now, makes life easier when i go to visit mel. Its my 2nd one within a month, the first one died after 3 weeks. how crap is that? I also have set up wireless net at home too, which is ace as i get to sit in a warm bed and type away like i am now.

Warcrafts been good, then i got bored and got into playing COD4 alot again, then once i wired up the router etc for the net COD4 refused to work anymore (regardless of port forwarding etc) So it was back to wow, and it was good too as the little break was nice. The major patch before the new expansion comes out is now live and added alot of new things to the game, The expansion itself is also only 3 weeks away which is cool. Last night the world event kicked off leading up to Lich King, Me and James were right at the front of it too :D A boat appeared in Booty Bay with weird boxes on it, these boxes then appeared around the coastal town and were clickable, so people clicked them, They caught a strange disease and 10 minutes later turned into zombies and everything else became hostile to them, so they had to fight the towns gaurds etc, which when they died also turned into zombies. Surely enough its started to spread, so now a zombie plague is spreading across the world, leading to the start of a very undead heavy expansion :D Awesomeness!

I've watched Prison break alot from start to finish and it is all manners of Awesome. Season 3 of heroes is slightly dissapointing me though as they seem to have completely changed some characters over night etc, just to give themselves storylines. Its a shame. I'm looking forward to Lost 5 which starts next year though :) Also bleach season 2 is released on dvd soon, Will watch that too.

Home is all good, Mum is happy, we've been sorting and clearing her room slowly but surely (At a rate she can handle), I can't do the building work thats needed, My brothers skill is required there. But its nice to see her happy at least :) She's met a few of the Larpers etc aswell now too, And has a soft spot for Flathead, She's amazed how well spoken he is. Her other soft spot is for JP, Co Dj at Roadmender, because he's so nice and friendly. Of course this means she tries to chatter loads to them and talk them to death, which some people don't like and have an 'ahhhh quick escape!' kinda look on their faces, At which point i step in and manage to deter her from talking them to absolute death. She means well bless her :D

Thats about all i can think of for now. Works ok, James etc are ok too, Errrr...... Minkfords alright aswell. Boobs are still awesome. I still hate Jack Black, he's not funny. I still can't think what else to write here.

Seeya later.
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