Time goes by so fast...

Oct 07, 2009 18:31

Time goes by so fast. It goes by so fast I think that things that happened almost a year ago just happened. I can't believe I've been back and forth with the same person. Been hurt by the same person millions of times. & I still seem to love him to death. I don't get it. Why do I do it to myself, why does everyone do it to themselves? I mean we're just friends, but the truth is I'd do anything for him. But why is it that we tend to fall in the deepest of love with people who treated us the worst in life? It's a vicious cycle and it makes no sense. Why would we want to get treated like complete and utter shit? It's so confusing, but that's life. I hung out with Jennie today. We went to the costume store and got Lisa Belle a costume. It's so cute, it's a fairy princess. & then went to payless and got Lisa Belle the cutest sparkly pink shoes to match. & Jennie bought her the cutest little leather boots. She's getting so big! & she's really smart and understands things now. She's so adorable, she looks just like Jennie. I'm really happy for Jennie & her family. They are doing so well with what they have & what they've  been through. So I guess my dad is homeless & my grandmother got evicted. So my Auntie Tina is gonna have to be in a group home & my grandmas gonna have to get a little one bedroom apartment because she doesn't want her children to help her. It's so stressful. I love Grandma more than anything, why does bad things happen to the nicest people we love? I wrote Adam a letter the other day. I wonder if he got it yet & is gonna write back. I'm still upset over Elvis being away. I haven't seen him in a very long time & I truly miss him. I wrote to him the last time he was away, I feel like a bad friend for not writing to him. Ugh, the world now a days. I hate it. It's like the world is ending, that's what it really feels like. The apocalypse is here. I'm kinda tired today & I wanna get to bed early. Maybe I'll write more tomorrow if I have time. I'm gonna get going.

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