(no subject)

Oct 05, 2009 20:08

I'm so sick of everyone in Meriden! I can't take it anymore. It's alright though, everyone will get theirs. I'm just done trying to be nice to everyone to get nothing at all in return, not even happiness. Maybe everything's too complicated for me. Who knows, maybe I'll never know. One of my good friends are in jail, I'm emotional depressed all the time, half the people I know are always fucked up on ridiculous types of drugs and just can't stick to good old Maryjane. I don't get it, why throw your life away at such a young age. Also, when you've seen your whole family go down. Ugh, people these days. They do not appreciate life. I do, to the fullest. & I'm really excited to see what my future holds. I'm very intelligent in my own way and can do whatever I want to do. I'm so happy when I have no drama in my life. & thats what I need to do, go ghost for a while. Get my act together. Stop smoking weed, stop smoking cigarettes & get a job. Then eventually go back to school for my CNA or something. I need to do something and become something & I will leave at that note. Have faith in me. :] I'm glad I decided to re-write in my live journal. I used to love this, It definitely helps me feel a lot better. I will definitely be writing in here more often. Goodnight everyone.
Hopefully I'll dream something good.

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