A Book

May 23, 2011 01:01

My good friend Ketonia, who's one of the coolest ladies in the entire world, made me commit to write a self-help book for women. Given how busy I am with my job as a video game designer, it may take a while. But, I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't think I'd actually do it. So, any of my spare, non-video game design writing is very likely going to ( Read more... )

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saeble May 23 2011, 14:34:14 UTC
you need to throw a few qualifications into your statements mate, otherwise I could possibly get quite offended... not every man is a complete ignoramus and I resent being part of a catch all which simply does not fit. Leave a few loopholes through which good people can leave will help with your writing style. Alienating people never helps build an audience.


deadspook May 23 2011, 16:37:33 UTC
Don't be silly. Assuming I meant every male who's ever lived is nonsense. If I get torched by the melodramatic over political correctness, I'll wear it like a badge of honor.


saeble May 23 2011, 19:20:06 UTC
which reveals the other key flaw in your style, which is more a personal style than a writing style, much as you despise empathy, its a good tool for relating to an audience, you display precious little of it.


deadspook May 23 2011, 21:07:22 UTC
Anyone that can't discern that when I say "men are taller than women" I don't mean every man is taller than every woman is beyond my reach. I empathize with their daftness, but am not willing to accommodate it at the expense conciseness or maintaining a consist tone. Every writer has to emphathize with an audience...otherwise all written text would be written for preschoolers. I write for people who don't need generalizations about genders qualified to understand what I mean, because to do so would be an insult to their intelligence.


saeble May 23 2011, 21:16:46 UTC
ok, you aren't quite seeing what I'm getting at so I'll change tack...

Women are notoriously wet creatures, by your own confession they are mostly empaths (note the qualifier, they really aren't that painful, nor do they diminish the message), as a consequence, if you are targeting women broadly, that's what you need to do, empathise, use softer more qualified language. If you listen to a woman, more often that not they are littered with qualifications and other forms of delivery softening tactics. If however you're targeting a drier, driven, much more testosterone laden reader base, fine. They will appreciate the sledgehammer approach. Just don't say I didn't say something if the sales suck... ;)

Its one hell of cleft stick you're stuck in. You don't like to compromise your 'voice' but I believe that if you really want to target women broadly, you're going to have to.


deadspook May 24 2011, 07:06:20 UTC
That depends on what audience of women you're writing for. I think it's my more brutal work that's gotten the best response. Writing that's all fluffy rainbows and sunshine tends to be pleasant but forgettable.

Ehh.. I've also never been one to really care about sales. The question would be what would make for better quality work. And softer, more qualified language is not a good path to quality work. Compromised, inauthentic, polite, insecure, patronizing ...Icckk. I'd have to take a shower after writing like that. That's like hitting on a random girl with tales of how you hug children and raise orphan puppies. It's the complete antithesis of whatever principles i'd be likely to have in that book. How can I advise conversion to being authentic and antisocial when my writing style is the complete opposite. The problem with women is they're conditioned to use soft and qualified language so as to not step on anyone's toes...which becomes soft and qualified thinking, which is a gigantic tragedy.


saeble May 24 2011, 08:29:56 UTC

men with tits is an interesting concept. methinks you're ignoring the hard wiring that women have, you can fuck with the software all you like but women are built for nurture and empathy.


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