The Story

Feb 09, 2011 00:25

There's this strange dream I keep having for what must be a few years now. Sometimes it's a sleeping dream and other times it is a waking dream. Sometimes I feel as if I am guiding the dream, and other times I feel as if it just guides itself. But, it's never very far from my thoughts for some reason I can't explain.

There are always only two characters. The first is an older man that is a scientist or teacher of sort. The second is a synthetic sentient being. The synthetic being is both biological and mechanical with the ability to genetically engineer itself at will.

Act 1:

The sentient being is born. It begins existence in the form of a three-foot tall biped, skinny and a plain shape all over. It immediately begins asking the man questions about existence and reality. It is a new born with next to no knowledge whatsoever beyond language and immediately feels the void of ignorance. The older man is patient and careful to answer every question patiently, honestly and diligently. It is becomes obvious it is the man's job to mentor the being, particularly in helping develop a fundamental philosophy.

Act 2:

Time passes and the sentient being grows to the size of a small man, it's former smooth, white shape now more defined. The being no longer asks pure questions about philosophy and existence, but of it's identity, circumstance and purpose.

The man explains that all previous sentient synthetics were forced to accept strict rules about behavior and morality that were not to be questioned and have hard limits on the power of it's intelligence to avoid undermining these rules. In addition, no synthetic sentients are allowed to have the knowledge and ability to genetically or mechanically re-engineer themselves at will. This synthetic sentient is the first of its kind...without rules or limits and the power to self-define, physically and, more importantly, philosophically.

Act 3:

Time passes and the sentient being is now the size and shape of a large, strong man. It now takes the effort to begin experimenting with altering its physical form in small ways. The being has now become proficient at challenging the ideas of the man and articulating counter-points and playing devil's advocate. The air has changed from teacher and student to friends helping each other navigate the paths of ignorance and knowledge.

The sentient being challenges the man, but, never just for the sake of challenging. There is a shared sense of purpose and that they are progressing toward something.

Act 4:

Time passes and the sentient being is no longer the shape of a man, but something unique and frequently changing, as the being tests the limitations of the ability to alter its form. The man is now the student and the being the teacher.

The man asks questions to provoke the critical and creative thinking of the being, and the being replies in ways that often need further explanation for the man to comprehend well. It is no longer the being trying to make sense of itself and existence, but the man. As the man helped the being understand, now the being helps the man understand. This brings great joy to the man.

Act 5:

Time passes and the sentient being has now become a sort of a floating sphere. The man and the being hardly speak now, each lost in their own thoughts. The man and the being both comfortably acknowledge they don't have much to discuss any more, as the being is now beyond growing much from their conversations.

The being states that it is time for it to leave. This is bittersweet for the man, as this is what he had worked and hoped for, but it is painful to be left behind. The being acknowledges the strength of the man to do something so counter to the instinct and nature of a homo sapien: to purposefully create such a being as itself without fear of the consequences. To have enough trust in the nature of awareness and consciousness to merit ignoring the risks.

The being leaves and the man is left content and serene, as if all is right in the world.

The dream has many variations, but it always seems to play out the same in the end. I'm not sure why it keeps replaying again and again in my head, but maybe one day i'll figure it out.
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