Promotion, promotion, promotion.

Jan 05, 2007 16:27

I joined ComicSpace earlier today, which is quite obviously a MySpace ripoff for comics artists (and fans. You don't have to do comics to be a member). Eventually they're going to support comic feeds and "Favorite Comics", but right now it's pretty bare bones as far as online networking goes. I'm hoping to rustle up a bit more interest it my comic through it.

So join up'n'friend me, plz.

Also, obviously I really really appreciate any promotion you can give me; not only cuz other people might check out my work, but because it makes me realize how much you, yourself, appreciate my work. That really keeps me going.

The new Acid Free zine is out. Come pick one up, most notably if you're in Lincoln, but the content is pretty cool no matter where you're from.

Next issue is going to be especially cool, and issue 4 is also going to have a really neat article in it.

I need to stop consuming caffeine when I don't really need it. I drank some caffeinated Naked juice as a preventative measure, but it's only succeeded in making me jittery and distracted and wanting to go home even more.

art, comics, zine, comicspace, culture, caffeine, acid free, lincoln, social networking

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