Nov 16, 2006 18:03
So in my spare time I have taken up reading Greek mythology. First I feel the need to define spare time. Spare time means when I am completely sherking my responisbilities for my C.D class. Cause no one knows how much I loathe that class well I have a suspision that my gpa knows how much I hate that class, anyway enough ramble. I have been reading greek Mythology lately. First let me say I have always been found of it. Love the stuff cant get enough really its like literary crack for me I guess. Any how I happen to be entertaining myself with the genereal beastery today before class when I happend apon this: and thought you would enjoy it as much as I did.
"The bishop-fish is a European sea-monster. It has the shaved head of a Catholic monk and the body of a huge fish. Its existence has been documented as early as the thirteenth century when one was caught swimming in the Baltic Sea. It was then taken to the King of Poland, who wished to keep it. It was also shown to some Catholic bishops, to whom the bishop-fish gestured, appealing to be released. They granted its wish, at which point it made the sign of the cross and disappeared into the sea. Another was captured in the ocean near Germany in 1531. It refused to eat and died after three days."
Now I am not sure where its refrenced to greek mythology but I thought abotu it and the hole Bishop thing amuses me. if you are in need of some entertaining yet educational stories I surgest you look up the Encyclopedia Mythica it has entertained me for days now.
As for an update on me...blah blah I am doing fine except for one class blah blah ...stupid crazy nut bag teacher is more like it. If I have to hear one more MFin story about her horses I swear to god I may go Gacy on her! I never noticed before but those dam equine people are really exceptionally stuck up. I mean mother of all god. They all remind me of some fucked up Heathers cult...ha ha did ya dig that movie ref I bet ya did.