Preference Poll Malfunction

Feb 29, 2012 00:33

I concluded to stay with Romney knowing he'd probably disappoint down the road.  Whatever that would be, its lesser than the prospect of another term for Obama.  Therefore I made a political decision in politics to go with whom I think has a slightly better chance heads-up vs Obama.  Especially now that Ron Paul is falling back in line.

So I map up the polling place that's in a "mobile home area" which looks like a bunch of shacks that people own.  Not trailer park as it has a pool and leasing center where the voting is.  It wasn't visible from the road and only small signs said "voting" with arrows.  They must want to filter out some of the dummy voters.

I walk in to where the man is passing out stickers.

So I hear there's an election going on?
"Yes over here sir, may I see your ID." *
"Hmm.  I don't see you in this one [big Republican binder]  now this one? [small Green Party binder who also sent their primates in].  Sir did you register?"
Yeah, I think I'm an independent or something.

"Oh WE don't get to vote until August?"
"This is a Presidential Preference Election. Only registered party members can vote this time. The actual primary is on August 28th**
We have a primary after the convention?
"Oh no, we do it before that."

I thanked her and left.  On the way out Sir do you have any "I Haven't Voted Today" stickers?
He did offer me a sticker anyway but I declined.  Sticker fraud is bad too.

Ironically in AZ Conlaw class 3 hours earlier I had argued the opposite point.   A closed primary is better because its a party picking their own, not a prelim for the entire public.  I had assumed that it was done as New Hampshire did it;  you get your party's ballot but registered Independents can choose either one.  After which the Ind is enrolled in that party and must re-register Independent if he wants a choice next time around.

That's why I got stuck in the New Hampshire Democrat primary in 08 having voted Lieberman in 04.  I asked children and two German Shepherds and all suggested I vote for Obama or grrrO.  But if that happens to me again, I will try to organize all of the poor-memory voters into a write-in campaign for None of the Above

* Yes it's like renting a movie, fraud is bad. 
** I don't know what she was talking about.  There is no primary then.

letters from lolizona, politics

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