Posted my room dividers up for sale on Craigslist a couple of hours ago. Amazing how that website can keep me glued to my chair for hours, hoping for that one email from an interested buyer. No bites yet. :/
But, since I haven’t in all my years in college posted any photos of my room, here’s a couple, before my housemate’s camera battery died. And this documents just half of my room! It was really nice coming home after traveling around Virginia, Connecticut, and New York City for the holidays. I’ve never been this happy to head back to Charlottesville 2 weeks before classes start. Getting off-grounds housing was a great choice to make, because my brother gets to live in the same house! He just started community college in the same town, and with any luck he’ll get to transfer to my school after his second year.
But back to my room:
That little table in the middle was bright yellow before I worked a couple of coats of paint over it, and the little chairs I got at a garage sale, covered in crayon scribbles. A little elbow grease goes a looong way, kids. The fantastic little globe-light I got downtown from a lantern street shop that unfortunately has not been seen for a year now. And the giant paper lantern in the foreground? $2.50 from IKEA of course.
In the corner, my queen-sized bed I dumpster-dived over the summer. In my defense, it was by the dumpster, not in the dumpster, and I plastic-wrapped the mattress. It’s been a solid 5 months of sleeping on that thing now to no ill effect, so poo on all the naysayers! The red curtains I made out of an old bedsheet set, and the painting on the wall I did on leftover cardboard to fill up the space. The beautiful solid wood table in the middle there I got for about $40 from a Habitat store, and took some serious TLC to make it look like the $200 piece of furniture it resembles now. And, perched on top of it, my 4 year 3 month old laptop, Da5id.
I would have taken photos of the other side of my room, but alas! Camera battery fail. I also have to start cooking now- my brother has something of a black hole in his stomach. I have never seen anyone eat so voraciously in my entire life. No joke, even by American standards. Tonight’s dish: ground beef casserole with potatoes. Supposedly the recipe serves 4-6 people, which I hope will satiate my brother’s beast of an appetite.