. . your a crazy lover . .

Jan 02, 2007 05:05

2006 was a pretty decent year.
I went to England.
Unfortionately dated a loser named Mike.
Spent the summer pretty drugged up
Was forced to 'resign' from Cineplex
Went to College
Started at Williams and Wal Mart
Got a New Cat ( Lynda )
Saw HIM in concert
Got new glasses.

So far the only new resolutions I have is to:
Try to study more
Lose as much weight as possible
Change certain aspects of my lifestyle ( over working and eatting late )

and Goals:
Save up $1000
Buy a Laptop ( ASAP or in Sept )
Re Paint my bed room.
Buy a New Desk.

New Years Eve was pretty fun. Me and Paiger decided to go downtown. So she came over and we started pre drinking and trying out shots in the shooter book. I made Blue Polar Bears which were really good and Paiger made Orgasums . . lol two things that doesnt usually go together. So after us drinking half a bottle of tecquilla, a bottle of peach snapps, about half a bottle of blue curaco and my HIM flask of vodka we decided to leave with a joint, the HIM flask refilled and a liter sized bottle of OJ with a shit load of snapps in it. Lemme tell you we were pretty drunk on the bus and subways. So we went to Yonge station to use to lavatory and Paiger fell on the floor . . which was really dirty. Then we ment up with Thyrone a little after Midnight at the Sheridan and drank a bottle of Champain. So we go walking threw Nathan Phillips Square looking for Paiger's friend who works there and she fell again and me being pretty drunk sat on her knee and the cops came to ask if she was ok. So after this we walk down Queen street where some guy from B.C gave me a cigarette and then these other guys gave me a pimp feather crown. We go into Pizza Pizza and eat then plan out to just go back to Paigers to smoke weed and drink and watch Reba. So we get to Paigers, buy some munchies at Esso and go to her place. So we smoke the Joint while watching Reba and pass out . . . well I did cause I was sleepy sleepy and only got 2 hours of sleep the night before.

BACK IN 2003!!



Blue Balls

Paiger trying to get up at Yonge

and paiger

us .. im a cam who er


it was after I wrote this we realized we were on the wrong side of the platform . . luckily as we walked to the other side the subways came : )

I dont know what kind of alchoal this is but, I might try it cause next time cause of the elephants

we saw Patrick at Osgoode and his BF

Thyrone and Campaigne

Paiger and Thyrone

Me smokeing

My sparkles fell into a heart shape . . . no joke

I die a bit when i look at this pictum . . lol

me and you can kinda see my crown


Dont we look so good ?

Lets hope 2007 is 10x better then 2006.
I think we all deserve it.

<3 elle

drinking, resolutions, new years eve, shots, drunken fun, 2007, 2006, year review, goals

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