oblivionhold said she couldn't do all three chapters, so I'm doing Chapter 11,
erastes is doing Chapter 12, and
oblivionhold is doing Chapter 13.
In which Harry reads the newspaper repeatedly, Lupin sounds like Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Harry advises Lupin on his love life, Kreacher plays "bad cop," and the illogic becomes overwhelming.
Chapter Eleven -- The
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Exactly! Granted, I don't think that the marriage would work between Remus and Tonks as they have been warped into being in HBP and DH (though I'll consider that marriage between OotP Remus and OotP Tonks could have worked). But what the hell is wrong with Remus trying to defeat his world's ultimate evil and attempting to save the life of his wife and his child as well? At least he's making an effort, which is more than--oh, EVERYONE is doing?
But of course this is all to make the reunion between the lovers extra poignant because they're going to die soon after. *barf*
Well, we never see the reunion between the lovers. Or their deaths. So the poignancy never really occurs.
And the people who applaud Harry for giving Remus the much needed smack down!
The deaths in this book just made my eyes roll. I was completely unmoved by every one. The ones that were supposedly the most tear-jerking just made me rub my eyes in despair. Dobby and Hedwig were pointless and mostly in there just for the melodrama. I mean, at least if it had SERVED A PURPOSE I wouldn't be so disgusted, but their deaths served even less than shooting a horse would in a western, and apparently that is off limits.
Don't even get me started on Peter's death. I'm sure you commiserate with me there. I wasn't looking for the kind of redemption that would have pleased me - apparently Rowling's Suethors were channeling her with the Omg He Was Born Pointless Ugly and Teh Ebil!1111!! but I was at least looking for some pay dirt with the wizard's debt and the silver hand. UGH.
I'm sure Rowling felt that this squabble before the birth of their child was meant to make the happiness around Teddy's birth and then the eventual death *~*dramatic*~* and sob-worthy, but what with the butchering of the characters and the off-screen death, I just turned the page.
That's even less than what I did for Dumbles' death, and Remus was my favorite character.
Having Peter save Harry from Fenrir and pay back the life debt AND use the silver hand would have been pretty cool. So of course it was abandoned for a pointless self-strangle.
It's actually really creepy how apparently one apparent stray from the "good" side, from Marietta to Peter to Remus and etc, marks you. Either you die pitifully or people can treat you like shit because hey! You're a traitor and therefore pure ebil. Unless you're one of the Trio, in which case it's just repetitive character development.
OK, now THAT would have been COOL. :D ...I wish that had happened. *sigh* :P
It's actually really creepy how apparently one apparent stray from the "good" side, from Marietta to Peter to Remus and etc, marks you. Either you die pitifully or people can treat you like shit because hey! You're a traitor and therefore pure ebil. Unless you're one of the Trio, in which case it's just repetitive character development.
Except for Snape. Yes, he died, but he got redeemed... sort of... bah. I would have liked to see someone come back to the Light side who had been Dark for the span of the books (not like Kreacher or Snape, but genuinely DARK).
Ah well.
That's what fanfiction (and particularly the Sacrifices Arc) is for. :D *goes off to read through Freedom And Not Peace*
And honestly, I dunno whether or not I'd say he got redeemed. All I could see is that apparently he didn't give a shit as to what happened to any of the muggleborns or the half-bloods - he was only against Voldemort because he offed poor Lily, and he apparently only helped Harry because of her memory, not because it was the good thing to do.
Totally stripping Snape of layers and layers and making him somewhat....blah. Somehow I feel if it had been evident from the beginning no one would have cared for Snape at all, even with him being played by Rickman.
I keep looking for some good fanfic that goes AU somewhere after OotP, but it seems like everyone wants to do EWE or canon compliant, and it disappoints me so much.
And ooh, link?
The only problem with doing that is that Snape (ostentatiously, but there's the no portrait, no body, no funeral, no death brigade), Remus, Tonks etc are ded as doornails, never mind all the idiocy of DH is still around even if all the horribly named children don't exist.
I really really feel bad for Scorpius. Draco must have gone mad. Who allows their child to be named Scorpius Hyperion??
As for Scorpius's unfortunate first name, obviously Draco married a witch who was a Farscape fan.
Never mind the books, my dear. She can't even keep track of a single fact about one of her main characters for FIFTY PAGES. I find that a new low.
Speaking of the interviews, is anyone else annoyed that apparently Harry is good enough to become an Auror at 17 and is roughly the same intelligence (or stupidity level, based on Suemione's need to do EVERYTHING for them) and Ron's relegated to being George's Fred replacement? Harry isn't qualified to tie his own shoes, let alone catch baddies.
Never mind the shudders that went through my mind when I realized that George married Fred's first girlfriend.
Despite the fact that if anyone defeats him ever, they will become the rightful owner of the Elder Wand. But I suppose JKR forgot about that technicality.
All the Snapefen insist that he was dosed up on antivenin, and just waiting for Harry to wander off before he took off to go get an alternate identity. :P There's still the little issue of blood loss from the wounds themselves, but ah well...
Bah. Who says Tonks couldn't pull a Metamorphagus and transform herself into an apparently dead body? And in most canons, don't werewolves have increased healing ability? We could always grab from another canon, and decide that Remus healed from what would kill a human, but merely put HIM on the brink of death...
Basically, if they are not certified-as-dead by a trained Healer or a Deus Ex Machina (rebounding Elder Wand, anyone?), they're not dead. XDDDD
I think Scorpius Hyperion is a cool name! Then again, the poor kid who had to LIVE with it... XD Still, it's not the monstrosity that is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. DDDDDDD8
Those are all valid choices! And as a Snape fan myself, I enjoy seeing all the different ways they're keeping him alive.
But I just wish fandom would become more interested in doing AUs that branched off a bit more than just keeping someone alive. The world she's created is probably the most interesting thing about the books. Twisting that and adding a cohesive plot to the mix in order to create a good novel length...that's what I want to read! ;)
Then you'll enjoy the Sacrifices Arc. :D
The Sacrifices Arc is AU from the beginning, but it's really good.
Read the series. It was all written pre-DH, so the Deus Ex Machinae Hallows are not present, Dumbledore really is a manipulative bastard to the core, Snape is NOT a woobie in love with Lily (and Lily ain't Saint Lily, either)... PLEASE READ. It takes so many AWFUL fandom cliches (Slytherin!Superpowerful!Harry, for one), and fashions them into something beautiful. Please read. :DDDDD
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