Apr 30, 2010 12:51
Raven looked at the question intently, it seriously wasn't asking this. Stupid quiz, she knew better than to pick up a magazine here. Emma probably had them from days gone past or stolen from the younger students at xaiver's. She wouldn't put it past Emma to have set it here on purpose for her to pick up and ponder over.
Even knowning this she sat there wondering, was she more childlike or more childish? She wondered if she should make a list, then she wondered why did this damn thing matter. She looked around the small room at Xaiver's outside Emma's office, no one was around, to see her confused over a silly question. Was there really a wrong answer to this? Would this one question being answered bring her happiness? Well that's what this damn magazine was trying to say, Raven didnt' buy it not for a minute. Well maybe if you were like sixteen this question mattered.
Raven was really too old for this nonesense. Her eyes narrowed, she could've sworn she had her laughter around her, maybe in her mind. "I'm not Childish" She muttered tossing the magazine back on the table then changed her mind picked it up and found the page once more. She ripped it out of the book and crumbled it into a ball and tossed it into the tash can. There.
word count: over 150
Raven Darkholme/Mystique
X-men misc. comics