I know that probably every gay person, and a lot of straight people have thought about it. Especially with science advancing exponentially every year. I personally can't wait for the day when I can clone myself. Not just make make a baby me. I mean like clone myself so that there is another me, same age, same everything.
If I had a clone, and she/me was consenting I would totally do her/me. Like it would be on.
I don't even think I'm that hot. There are a lot of girls who I would like to do that are a lot hotter than me, but I still think it would be the ultimate height of awesomeness to actually have sex with a clone of me.
I'm probably sounding pretty narcissistic right now, but I do have some pretty legitimate reasons as to why myself would actually be a pretty good partner to sex up.
1. You can't really feel inadequate because you know you are both equal in hotness.
2. Your clone would probably have the same medical history as you, therefore you wouldn't be exposed to any STDs that you don't already have.
3. No risk of pregnancy.
4.Who knows your body better than yourself?
5.How awesome would it be if someone said, "Go fuck yourself!" and you could actually say, "I already have."
It might be a little awkward looking in the mirror afterwards.
So yup. I was bored and didn't want to do my homework. XD