Arrrgh (I'm not hungover :P)

May 22, 2009 18:17

Two nights on the piss in a row. What a great plan. And now no. 3 tonight, for Vince's thing. It'll be great, I'm sure, I just hope I don't fall asleep in someone's lap like the old lady that I am.

People gave me PRESENTS which was entirely unexpected and you totally didn't need to, but I'm so glad that you did. I won't give individual shout outs, because that might embarrass the people who actually believed me when I said not to bring anything :P (don't worry, your lovely presence was more than good enough for the likes of me xxx)

I got so, so drunk. People kept buying me drinks. It's just as well I was with so many big strong men, or unconscionable people might have taken advantage of ickle me. I got 29 kisses, some from friends, some from strangers, which was very nice. I haven't done quite so much kissing in a while now. Didn't think of doing anything else though, because- really not what I want at the moment. But kissing is nice.

Haha, the pure liquid SHAME in the office this morning. Apparently we all had the same GENIUS idea to drunkenly tell Jonatton how much we love him. Ah well, I have an excuse anyway. If you can't drunkenly exclaim your undying love for your boss in an extremely sloppily spelt series of LJ comments ON YOUR BIRTHDAY then when can you? And, I say only marginally less disgustingly lovey things to people sober, so LOVE YOU ALL. We were all just a tad hung over too. Well, I wasn't, I don't get hungover. Any throwing up into my tescos bag* that may or may not have happened on the bus this morning was entirely caused by travel sickness.

Excessive caps are excessive, but fun.

*it's good to always have one handy, I find, just to keep shit in. Well, not actual shit, but, you know, stuff. Stuff which I took out of the bag and put in my pockets PRIOR to vomiting, I should add. Just so we're all clear.

EDIT: Apparently, if you go to 1:33 in this clip, Lenny Henry does an uncanny impression of me last night. I'm not going to say who said this to me, but they know who they are and they should also know that they are now on my LIST

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jonathan, vince, drunk, birthday, party

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