Feb 07, 2006 09:08
So. Hermione, Lavender and Justin are in the Hospital Wing, but they should be back to normal in a few days time. Thank Merlin. Everyone in the Gryffindor common room is going spare over Ginny being in St. Mungos, especially Harry. None of us really know what happened to her. I'm about to go ask Hermione though, if she's feeling good enough. How's Ernie doing? I haven't seen many Hufflepuffs lately. Everything has just been absolute chaos. Fleur and Bill have already left for St. Mungos with Mum and Dad and Percy....I wanted to go too but they wouldn't let me leave until tomorrow with Fred and George. I'm worried about Hermione though. I don't want to leave her here...something tells me that the danger may not be gone.
What is everyone doing?