So I have been feeling like the Michael Douglas character in the movie, FALLING DOWN. I am very testy, and short on patience. I get frustrated with people and their fucked up ways. I went to a Food Market in downtown LA a few weekends past. I had company including two rappers who I am mentoring/managing. As I entered the parking structure for the market, I saw that parking would be validated for one hour with a stamped ticket. That seemed easy enough, and after we ordered our Tortas, I had the cashier stamp the ticket. We downed our food and made it back to the car with time to spare. We start to drive out and get to the parking ticket booth. I handed the man the stamped ticket and waited for the bar to raise up. The ticket man looked at the ticket and told me I would have to pay. I looked at my cell phone and we still had time under the hour to spare? He said that the ticket was stamped but I failed to take it to the front desk to get a second stamp. A second stamp? WTF? - I told him I stamped the ticket as the sign said, and saw no further directions of a second stamp. He told me I would have to pull to the side and go get the second stamp. I had company remember, so I am trying to be on my best behavior. I told him I didn't want to go all the way up 3 levels for a second stamp, as we had a sound check to get to. He did not budge-- I was not going to budge-- the entire time biting my tougue as to not make a scene for my guests. The tension was rising, cars behind me were now 4 deep. This was a stand -off for the ages. I finally blew my lid, I could not take it anymore! I began shaking violently and stared him deep into his soul--"OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" With that violent out burst he raised the bar and I screeched off!! The company were laughing hysterically, and I felt justified.
Now tell me why the man would really give a fuck about a second stamp -- oh I know he has a job to do-- but cmon! Why does the city add such dumb fuck rules. A second fucken stamp? WTF is that about? I had another parking incident yesterday, when the GNC store did not validate my ticket. They claimed they were out of stamps, so I went to the McDonalds in the same Mall to get a stamp-- they said I would have to go to the B of A. I went to the Bank, but the lady claimed she would not get me a stamp because I would have to take money out the teller, and she saw I went to Mc Donalds. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh The ticket man tells me GNC does not buy stamps, so I would have to pay. The price was 3 bucks for every 15 minutes. It was now like 25 minutes. WHYYYYYYYYYy is it so difficult to step out my fucken house to get vitamins, or a fucken Torta? Why so many rules on top of rules. I am getting to the point were I will be just be a hermit, I do not have the patience to deal with all this bullshit!! Shit is about to FALL DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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