Title: Gargoyles on Motorcycles
Rating: NC-17 or MA
mandracoFandom(s): Supernatural
Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. I didn't invent these characters or settings. I just glued them together.
Wordcount: 24,576
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel. Background Sam/Jess, Lisa/Matt and Bobby/Ellen. Previous Dean/almost everyone-- most notably Lisa, Balthazar and Lydia.
Warnings: AU. Explicit sex between Dean/Cas. Inexplicit references to slash and het sex.
Spoilers: This is an all human AU, but does take characters from as late as 7.13 "The Slice Girls".
Summary: Written for the
After the latest in Dean's long string of one night stands steals the Impala and totals it, he makes a bet with Sam that he can abstain from sex while he repairs it. But Lisa and Matt's wedding is coming up and Dean needs a date he'll never be attracted to. Enter Castiel.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 (or on
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