i for certainly do. when i think of mmbop! i think of how i was forced to learn how to play the entire song(okay the entire three note pattern) on the RECORDER of all instruments when i was in elementary school. and now i have to live everyday of my life with the (mostly subconcious) knowledge that i once or twice or maybe even several times played mmbop! well FUCK YOU karigon elementary music teacher! i hope you're RETIRED! HA!
mmmbored is more like it. i'm not quite sure how this is the best outlet to fix that, but what the hey(hay?) i don't really have anything better ideas at the moment. shit, now i do though. i just discovered this friggin' amazing book i have to read called Habits of the Heart. it's about individualism and commitment in america, which sounds very interesting to me because that's exactly what i've been getting at in some of my weird philosophical chains of thought that i have. except i never got at it. but these people already did, like two years before i was born too, so...i'm stupid for not reading it yet. and consequently even STUPIDER(mwahaha) for entertaining myself with gramatical errors when i could be reading it right now. butttt, i'm not done yet.
i ate ice cream tonight. it was cherry. aaaaand i played soccer tonight. that was really fun until about 40 minutes in when i almost fell over from exhaustion because i'm so damn incredibly out of shape. boo smoke and laziness. yay soccer. christiano ronaldo is a douche. i mean freaking PELE said he should honor his contract and stop being a bitch, and he's still being a bitch. PELE. PE FREAKING LE!! man, what a douche. what else, oh man, don't even get me started on the election. no really...don't. i'm seriously serious, don't do it. awwwww shit, now you've done it. okay here's the election, barack hussein obama is going to win come november and then we will prosper for 4 whole years with democrats in complete control while the fucking GOP scrambles like a headless chicken in a PETA recruitment video. what pisses me off right now is a.) how unbelievably bad the news is in this country and how it's impossible to get a non-biased view on anything anymore without reading other countries newspapers. and b.) the outright absurdity of hillary clintons supporters that are pledging votes to mccain. i'm just gonna say what the fuck and move on because anyone with the power of reasoning can figure that one out. and the last, c.) is john mccain, or as i've recently deemed him mister rapejoke. yes, the man LOVES rape. love love loves it. but who doesn't these days right, it's just so authentic. (tee hee) and for those who didn't watch countdown the other night a rape joke that john mccain told twenty years ago recently surfaced and his spokespeople simply stated that it just reinforces his "authenticity," bizarre, i know. however, on the plus side of things, bob barr is amazing at what he does("nadarizing" mothafuckers) and if all else fails i'm almost certain that i have access to italian citizenship through my grandmother so if this country proves it self unworhty of reasonable human beings like myself, HELLO EU.
and that was way more ranting than i planned, so,