(no subject)

Apr 05, 2007 12:06

pam_noles_blog had mentioned an article by a hollywood producer who wasnt able to get funding for a film because of the POC he wanted to cast in the main leads. Today she posted a link to the original article, along with some clues about who the mysterious writer actually was.

The orginal article is more than a little fascinating, because stuff like this:

The part had been written for a white guy, but this was a fantastic actor, and people of all colours and ethnicities work on the border. Even so, my casting choice would prove to be a huge problem; apparently, there are many countries in the world where movies starring African-Americans other than Will Smith need not apply.

Nobody in town would finance the movie, because it had literally no appeal overseas. My weak protests - wouldn’t people go if it were actually a good movie? - were met with laughter. What does a “good movie” have to do with anything?

What indeed...

xposted to my lj and debunkingwhite.

hollywood, casting

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