#010 Doctor Who: Favorite Episodes of Season 1 & 2 - PART 2

Jul 28, 2010 17:52

Second part cause, did I mention IT'S HUGE????

05 - 01

05. New Earth - Series 2, Episode 1
New New York & New New Doctor. The beginning is absolutely ADORABLE♥ The return of the Face of Boe (♥) & Cassandra, the Doctor's body invaded by a girl XD & some serious hugging. Not to mention a kiss. And the cat nurses. AND THE LITTLE SHOPS! Every hospital should have little shops!

04. The Satan Pit - Series 2, Episode 9
I could have added The Impossible Planet but once again, I had enough caps already. I love those two eps though. Rose taking control, showing how much she's grown in maturity & how badass she is. Super creepy Oods. The Doctor being silly & jumping in a motherfrakking huge & deep hole. The Doctor's choice, THE TARDIS, Rose heartbroken in the spaceship trying to leave the planet, THE HUG & THE STUFF OF LEGENDS♥ I LOVE THEM.

03. The Doctor Dances - Series 1, Episode 10
I love how they treated this aspect of the war, I love the scene between Rose & Nancy about having a future after the war. Not to mention JACK, the dancing♥ & the VERY CREEPY masked people whining ARE YOU MY MUMMY?. Let's not forget the banana, cause bananas are good. The world doesn't end because the Doctor dances♥

02. The Girl in the Fireplace - Series 2, Episode 4
There's no real reasons why I absolutely love this episode. I just love it a lot. It freaked me out the first time I saw it (I knew there was a good reason why I kept my legs & arms ON the bed when I sleep, you never know what's under your bed). I love that Mickey & Rose get to have some time together being badass with fire extiguishiers, I love ARTHUR the horse (-You're not keeping the horse! -I let you keep Mickey!), & even though I adore Doctor/Rose, I can't stop loving the relationship between Madame de Pompadour & the Doctor. Ten is hilarious in this ep & the end is heartbreaking no matter what. The lonely Angel *hugs Ten*.

01. Doomsday - Series 2, Episode 13
Is that a surprise? The amount of caps I saved for this episode is ridiculous but it's so pretty (& HEARTBREAKING). I'm a doctor/rose shipper (if it wasn't clear enough yet) & I believe he loved & will love a lot of women but Rose will always have a special part in his hearts. I love this episode because he still finds a way to say goodbye to her when we had the proof with Sarah Jane that he's not good with goodbyes. Not mentioning the fact that HE LOVES HER, y'know. I also love that we get to see Mickey, Jackie & Pete are reunited, JAKE!, Ten is wearing 3D glasses Daleks + Cybermen, the Doctor's HEARTBREAKING scream when Rose lets go ;___; THE SCENE ON THE WALL OMG SERIOUSLY. I watched it in particular condition (aka with one of my best friends who got me into the show♥) & it was great to have someone to watch it with. When Billie/Rose cries, I cry & David has the saddest sadfaces of all time. OF ALL TIME. & the worst was probably THE SINGLE TEAR he shed, alone in the TARDIS T_____T but I also love that it introduces the AMAZING DONNA NOBLE THAT I LOVE A LOT (emphasyze on A LOT). I talk too much, sorry about that. HERE'S THE PRETTY.


+ picspam made for scifiland. JOIN!
+ caps from here. I spent a ridiculous amount of time on this so please DO NOT re-use/alter/hotlink.
+ enjoy♥

.scifiland, type: tv shows, tv: doctor who, *wildpages

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