Jan 08, 2010 00:47
OK, one more of my all to infrequent updates....
Christmas was good to me, I got $65.00 in gift cards to Borders Books, so I picked up:
Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling by Bret the Hitman Hart, Pro-wrestling autobiography by one of the best in the business, ever.
Avatar: Am Activist Survival Guide Just what is sounds like, a guide to the world of Pandora, includes enough stats for both the native flora and fauna and the Human's equipment that I can use it for run games on planet, probably before Jake arrives and makes a mess of things.
Monsters Spotters Guide to North America a guide book of where to find everything from Bigfoot (who's breatfeeding and not tipping) to Champ to the Chupacabra.
How to Survive an Alien Invasion very tounge in cheek guide simular to the Zombie Survival guide.
I also got the other two Looking Glass Wars books, but they are on hold until I'm done with Hitman.
I also got The Usual Suspects and The Marine 2 on Blu-Ray Disc, a couple of sweat suits, a new winter coat, and a gift card to Game Stop that got me TMNT Smash Up for my Wii.
Now I just want to get rid of the foot and a half of snow on the ground outside, and I want to get the temps into a reasonable range (like above zero!). Global Warming my ASS! I'm starting to thing we may be in for a new ice age at the rate this winter is going. I expect to see Polar Bears outside my window any time now.