Oct 17, 2005 20:10
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:07 PM): ummm i tihnk me and dea have egging plans
MrAndersonmst3k (5:56:25 PM): really? sounds fun
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:37 PM): haha
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:38 PM): is fun
MrAndersonmst3k (5:56:41 PM): i call it "exterior decorating" not "egging"
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:49 PM): as long as i dont hit my arm on top on anyones car again -dea
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:52 PM): lmao
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:53 PM): hmm
Behind Deas Eyes (5:56:55 PM): true that
MrAndersonmst3k (5:57:42 PM): this one time me and my friend TP'd er..i mean "decorated" this house with 42 rolls of tp i mean "banners"
Behind Deas Eyes (5:57:54 PM): omg
Behind Deas Eyes (5:57:57 PM): thats awesome
Behind Deas Eyes (5:58:01 PM): i love it!!
Behind Deas Eyes (5:58:03 PM): :-D
MrAndersonmst3k (5:58:20 PM): yeah 42 rolls the house looked like a huge ass ghost
MrAndersonmst3k (6:11:14 PM): i love you too deanna
MrAndersonmst3k (6:11:19 PM): ya know wat?
Behind Deas Eyes (6:11:25 PM): wut?
MrAndersonmst3k (6:11:58 PM): i feel like ive known you for a long time and not just online yer like the coolest person i know
aww first off. andrew made me feel good.. as u can see.
2nd. i told ryan off. today and blocked him. then mary told him off!!!! :) i love her!!!! woot!!! sorry but hes bein a jerk and like mom said.. "he'll get over it"
i mean im sorry that im happy right now. n shiit. but whatever.
i cleared things up with Kyle to.. and he was like that makes me wanna not trust u.. and thats kinda why i told him the truth cuz. yeah i dont want a "dishonest" relationship again.. it was all just this big psychoanaylsis thing.. dont ask that stupid Psychology paper i hadda to drove me up the walls with information!!!
hmm but I guess Kyle went to Ryan's.. I hope they don't kill each other or anything along those lines!!! that would not be pretty.
but ima go download some more music since my thing is finally workin again. lata kidds.