Updates - since everyone is doing it

May 02, 2022 14:15

Goals previously delineated
  1. Read 20 books in 2022.  Probably read 1-2 so far.  I usually do better on vacation, where I have had none this year (outside of snowboarding).  I am reading the first Harry Potter book with my older boy.  He is only 4 so we get through 1-5 pages per day.  It is the illustrated book.  It is fun.
  2. Exercise 4+ days per week. I am probably closer to 2-3 days per week.  I injured my leg and have been sick every other week.  I need to amp this up
  3. Run 5+ races - 5ks - run 200+ miles for year.  This has not started yet.  Not sure it will given the state of my leg.
  4. Bike ride with kids - get new bike and ride 500+ miles for year.  The weather is finally turning.  The older boy has riden his bike with training wheels.  I need to get my bike out later this week.  No new bike. My goal is to take the little one in the seat on my bike 1-2 days per week for a quick 15-20 minute ride during the day
  5. Play tennis 1-2x per week. Weather has not permitted this yet.  I am hoping our older boy likes tennis, and we can join the club.
  6. Go through 1 box in basement per week on average; generally clean basement; prepare basement for finishing; clean out crawl space and store things in there; put up LED light to see in there.  The process has started.  We have a street-wide garage sale in about 3 weeks.  I brought a bunch of stuff to the garage.
  7. Build/buy shelves for garage; access storage above garage and determine storage; build ladder up there if usable.  Nothing yet
  8. Garage sale - all baby stuff; and declutter in general  See number 6
  9. Only work one weekend day.  This has evolved.  The older boy is in swimming lessons one day and is starting tennis this Sunday.
  10. After basement is ready - a) set up workshop area; b) build storage shelves; c) set up an art area; d) put in electrical outlets; e) finish basement and playroom, etc.  Not ready
  11. Go to 10 concerts/shows - have tickets for at least 3 concerts already in 2022.  Have been to two concerts.  I have some planned and am hoping to go to more.  I have a work trip soon, and maybe I can see something impromptu.
  12. Play guitar 60 minutes per week.  This is probably met every week.  Much more depending on the day
  13. Set up new garden beds, put up fence around beds, and get plants in earlier; plant microclover in back area and in yard in general.  This is all in motion.  I mulched the front beds and mowed once.  I ordered a fence and have to assemble the new beds.  I have the soil ready.  The microclover will likely be spread once the yard is dethatched and aerated.
  14. Clear area in backyard regularly behind trees - potentially get rider mower.  I cleared once so far.  I will mow back there next time I mow the grass.
  15. Use all work vacation time.  Going to two concerts out of town.  Visit family down south.  I might take random weeks off in the summer. I booked 7-8 days off in June.  I am planning on doing the same for August. 
  16. Go camping.  not yet
  17. Be more optimistic.  not yet
  18. Be available and reach out - since we got back from vacation, I have been messaging and/or texting people birthday wishes in an attempt to be available.  This is kind of going on.  I have a high school reunion in August.  I have conversations started with a guys trip with people from college.  I reached out to do a milestone birthday trip with spouses next year.

update, goals, resolution

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