Days 22 to 24, update

Feb 10, 2020 15:07

Update - my estranged grandfather died. He was 92. I met him once when I was 10. I talked to him a few times when I grew up and was probably in grade school. My dad would talk to him a few times per year, and he had no interest in what my dad, my brother, me, etc, were doing in life. My dad made some efforts to try to make a connection, but it never happened. My grandfather was abusive and abandoned his family when my dad was young. He moved to TX and started a new family. His wife died of dementia 1-2 months ago, and their daughter was taking care of them. He died on Friday, and the funeral was on Sunday. We did not find out about his wife's death until my dad was called on Sunday. My dad said yesterday that my grandfather had two older sisters and a younger sister. That is pretty much all I know.

22.Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

This really is a question that could take a long time to answer, and a long time I do not have.

In 5 years. Working, married 10 years with a 7 year old and 5 year old. Probably working the same job, living in the same house, friends with the same people. My free time will be spent with the boys. Maybe I can help coach youth sports. Maybe we can get involved in scouts. Hopefully we built a deck at this point and have a place to entertain in the summer months. Our dog will probably be gone at this point, and this will be a tough transition for everyone. Hopefully we can take that as an opportunity to travel more (road trips) and go skiing/snowboarding on the weekends. Maybe my parents will be moved to our city. Maybe the in-laws will take the kids off the bus. Both sets of parents expressed interest in both.

In 10 years, working, married for 15 years, with a 12 year old and 10 year old. Hopefully I am working somewhere else or in a position working less hours. I will be living in the same house. Hopefully we finished the basement. We have the space and should have saved to do something nice at this point. The kids will be involved in a lot of things. Maybe we will have a new dog at this point. We probably will have new vehicles. Realistically, we probably dealt with a lot of loses at this point, and vacations will be focuses on relaxation rather than visiting older relatives. I anticipate having a difference in friends at this point. Moving away from the work people and others that have children far away or outside of our kids' age group. We will probably be more friendly with neighbors, local people, and the parents of our kids' friends. Hopefully we are doing things as a family, skiing, snowboarding, sports, going to the Y, hiking, museums. Hopefully we will be able to do dinner everyday. Hopefully we will have a good life balance. The wife and I will host BBQs, pot luck dinners, have date night, etc.

15 years from now, still working, married 20 years, with a 17 year old and 15 year old. We are hopefully living in the same place. I am sure the kids will be busy with activities. The wife and I will probably go someplace nice for our 20 year anniversary. Maybe Tahiti or somewhere else exotic. Hopefully we are still doing things as a family, skiing, snowboarding, sports, going to the Y, hiking, museums. Hopefully we will be able to do dinner everyday. Hopefully we will have a good life balance. The wife and I will host BBQs, pot luck dinners, have date night, etc. Maybe I will have time for some hobbies. Maybe we will have a vacation place somewhere or a camp. Our parents will be getting older and hopefully not working at all. I am sure we will have our parents over a lot or go over to see them.

23.List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

Current hobbies
1. biking when it is nice
2. working out at the gym
3. reading fiction
4. sports/watching sports on TV or in person
5. poker

Other desired hobbies
1. painting
2. jogging/swimming at the gym
3. playing music/going to see live music
4. hiking
5. gardening

24.Best memory of this last year.

in 2019 it was a blur of the year. Some of the highlights included my son's 1st birthday party, going to California for vacation/wedding, moving into our forever home, and the birth of our second son. There was not really a best memory but the overall feeling that it was a good year.

challenge, checkback, family, day23, update, 2019, day22, future

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