Workwise, still working for the family business and this time my sis who's been half-heartedly working with us seems to be getting more into it the more responsibility she is being given. Laptop and work phone has been bought for her and she's now in charge of correspondences of a small section (miscellaneous) so I won't be confused with our main activities (eatery). Also, since she's doing a side job of english-malay translations for some companies, she using that section as a base operation since those companies need a proper channel for payments, queries and such. Bro is now in the middle of a three year attachment program which may or may not land him a job in the company he's in and if it won't we still have a branch in the midst of creation which I don't think myself and my sis will be able to handle at one time. Maybe our parents but we've learnt first hand that sporadic visits can be the downfall of any business.
Personal life-wise (is that a word?) is that I'm pregnant again. It's a year late than what I've planned but better now than even later coz I'm already 40 yrs old. Sure, nowadays the body can handle it, what with modern health practices and such, but I just don't want to leave younger-than-teen kids to fend for themselves when I'm already too old to do so like chase after them & give them a smacking when they get too rebellious for their own good XD Hahaha... So yeah, already in my 2nd trimester but still nauseous & bloating a lot which is annoying coz I love to eat but can't do much now because of those problems. I don't have as much heartburn problem as I had with my last pregnancy though so that's good.
DS ("Dear Son", an acronym I've learn when talking with other mommies in the net) is getting clingy... dunno if it's an instinct toddlers have when they know another one is on the way. In a few day's time, he'll be having an appointment for his speech delay and I've tried to prep myself as much as I can so I can secure an appointment with the CDC (child development centre) to have him properly diagnosed, not just psychologically but nutritionally and such. My SIL (sister in law) whose kid was diagnosed with mild autistism 3 years ago said that it would be a complete diagnosis so it will help in determining his scope of needed treatment and such. Already DS's preschool teacher is pushing us to get him into the system but knowing that to get in takes a minimum of one year, probably I'll just pull him out of his current preschool (they have special ed classes but only for kids already diagnosed by the CDC) and put him in a less restricted class where they can teach kids with behavioural or language issues regardless of CDCs diagnosis coz they have their own therapist. It's pricier but DH (Dear Husband) & I agreed that that would be best course of action for DS.