Left alone

Jul 04, 2008 04:33

All of the sudden, I was left alone last Saturday. cy-v decided to make a run for it and take the last train down to hecubah, as she could use some hugs. Although I completely favor cy-v making trips, the fact that she left within two hours left me astonished. That night, I couldn't get to sleep, so I had a few drinks in the middle of the night, which worked miracles.

The day after I thankfully had to work most of the day, so I wouldn't be sitting all alone at home. That night I finished up late and had a colleague over for a few drinks and some Dutch cabaret. I, again, went to bed late and got up way too early to do some necessary cleaning up if I was going to leave the cats unattended for 48 hours. I gave them lots and lots of food and a few bowls of water to make it through the days before I could catch a train down to hecubah.

As I arrived in Sittard, I first had to make a stop at the Dutch organization for student loans, as I had to cancel part of my subsidy of last year, as I had earned to much money. Although I didn't expect too long a queue down in Sittard -which is a fairly small town- I had to wait for nearly half an hour before it was my turn. After settling things within 5 minutes we all went into Sittard's town center for a bagel and some coffee.

That night, we watched a couple of dvd's and, yet again, went to bed rather late, even though we had to get up early to go to Aachen the next day. Somehow we managed to get out of bed and we took the bus all the way down to Aachen, which is a 2-hour bus ride. Hell! The outside temperature was over 30 degrees centigrade, ensuring these buses, obviously without airconditioning, were more of a sauna.

We arrived at Aachen fifteen minutes late after a traffic jam near the Dutch-German border. Somehow it's always busy with Germans shopping in the Netherlands and Dutch people shopping in Germany. We strolled around the town for a while, had a Starbucks coffee and bought some sex toys, before we had a bite to eat at the sea-food restaurant Nordsee. After that, we went back home, but had to wait nearly an hour for a bus to show up. We had missed the previous one by about five minutes, while the next one didn't show up at all. Obviously, when I decided to go ahead and buy some juice in a nearby supermarket, I got a call the bus was approaching. Rushing back, I was still in time to board the bus. =) This time we took the bus to Maastricht, and did the last stretch by train, thereby avoiding a long, hot bus ride; uncomfy local buses and shortening journey time by an hour or so.

Obviously, we slept late -again- although I went to bed somewhat earlier than did hecubah and cy-v. The next morning was an early one again, as we had to be back in Alkmaar by noon, and the train ride takes some three and a half hour. Today (actually: yesterday, it's Friday 5 a.m. now) we went to Amsterdam to pick up Sam her new bike. After riding it for 100 meter, one of the pedals fell off, so we had to continue our way to the train station by foot. Although we were still very close to the bike shop, I had to catch the next train in order to get at work in time.

At work, cy-v called the bike shop, and they told us to take it to a nearby bike shop, have the pedals replaced and send them the bill. Although it's a shame it doesn't have the original pedals anymore, cy-v now finally has a bike, and even one that works. And now, I'm really going to sleep. I've been averaging 3 to 4 hours of sleep over the past week, and it's really getting to me now.

sleep, cy-v, train station, relationship, aachen, bicycle, coffee, hecubah

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