"the only reason is just because..."

Sep 20, 2005 11:05

LJ Interests bloody moronic results

  1. apathy:
    fascinating art of pretending not to care and not to feel, making believe that one is realy cool... when, truthfully, one's just stoned (or pissed)
  2. manic depressive propensity:
    astonishing talent to inspire other parties’ pity
  3. multiple personality disorder:
    one of my favourites, although being constipated can be as painful and equally shitty - representing chaos in one's head, the riot of ideals (or the lack of it, implying one has to be entertained with oneself)
  4. panic:
    related to previous interest: when all personalities start shouting at the same time and one's without pot (can be a real pain! heard some people started using alter egos at livejournal, because they didn’t have enough pot to smoke... scary shit uh?)
  5. schizophrenia:
    another word to define love, that bittersweet relic one cannot "leave" without... the luggage you cannot dismiss at any airport or pretend you’ve forgotten when travelling
  6. sorrow:
    what's left after a "schizophrenic" episode; overpowering force that shatters all wills, forcing the acknowledgement the only will one has left is the will to slash one’s wrists
  7. suicidal tendencies:
    the ultimate freedom test, the only true power one will ever possess; which can also be interpreted as: if you thirst for power, kill yourself
  8. :
  9. :
  10. :

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

Hmmm! I’m a basic person with not so-many-interests, therefore what should have been my eighth, ninth, and tenth interests, are but an empty space (like so many people’s heads); even though I might have given one of my elected hobbies a try and should’ve added "masturbation" to the list. Oh! maybe next time.
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