I knew you before (part 8)

Nov 15, 2011 19:42

Fic: I knew you before
Author: de_cendres
Summary: Based upon my movie synopsis meme. During a murder investigation, PI Patrick Van Zedde (M.Fassbender) goes to a psychiatric center to confront a key witness. While he’s heading for the exit, he comes to meet a young man (J.McAvoy) flanked by two auxiliary nurses and captures his empty stare. His blue eyes seem to be so dead that Patrick is overwhelmed by sadness. Putting his feeling aside, he continues his path. In the following seconds, the young patient freezes and begins to come back, hurrying on Patrick, holding him with despair and whispering nonsensical words. The auxiliary nurses bring him under control and free Patrick. The PI leaves, more troubled than ever. Days pass by but Patrick can’t take this stranger out of his head. Moreover, he starts to make always the same kind of dreams. Dreams where he lives in the nineteenth century a secret and forbidden passion with the young man from the psychiatric center and ending in blood and death. Unable to stand this restlessness, he decides to search after the patient’s identity and is determined to find out if he’s drowning himself in madness or if a previous life may come to haunt him. Haunt both of them.
Note: Unbeta'd. Hope you don't mind and if you see any fault, don't hesitate.
Previous part: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

It was the heat that kept him awake. And inactivity which made him almost mad. He could not stand this hospital bed. He felt that if he had the misfortune of daring to sit, this damn bed would remain glued to his back and would follow his impetus wherever he will goes. He was even convinced that his buttocks were now carefully printed in the mattress until the latter does not make its last trip to the dump. Nights were undoubtedly the worst. Remaining extended throughout the day without any activity, whether physical or mental - seriously, people was watching Jersey Shore on their own will and not because of they were bedridden? - he could never fall asleep when night came and he watched the hours pass one after the other, trying to force his mind to relieve pressure. He had come to such an extent that he hoped to just close his eyes and experience again those dreams which he was assailed since the Rice case. But they did not come. They no longer came as no longer had his sleep.
"Stop fidgeting. It's not by acting like that they will decide to release you. "
His long legs were trapped under the thin and annoying sheets and he tried to release themselves out of this relationship that he had decided being fatal in order to sit on the edge of the bed and make conversation with Anna who entered the room with a large and fragrant bouquet. She perceived his eyes darting about it and answered before he could open his mouth:
"On behalf of the Rice family. "
He winced before muttering.
"I did my job, they do not ..."
"Patrick. "The young woman cut him in a tone so dry that he couldn’t but  immediately straighten his head toward her. But she kept her eyes firmly on the scarlet flowers which will probably faded in two days. "Patrick, you risked your life to capture the one who murdered their child. Obviously they'd be grateful. Without you, it would not have been possible and we were on the verge of being without you. "
The heavy silence fell between them for a while. He saw the distress and pain of his partner and he understood it perfectly. But he knew deep down that there was more behind what she was trying to hide but was evident in her large dark eyes. She cared about him. More than a co-worker, as close as they are. They had never discussed the issue and it was not on the agenda. So, he decided to change tactics.
"They said I could leave tomorrow. I just have to take a real shower and change. I should be operational in the afternoon. "
Finally, she turned toward him, posing a look as surprised as disapproving.
"Patrick Van Zedde, you may not return to the office before a month. "
"One month you kidding?! I do ... "
"There is no discussion to have on the subject."
"Okay, I may be a bit in a poor state for a while but I am quite capable of filling ..."
"You will stay at home. You will rest. And you will continue to dull in front of MTV, Patrick. It is an order from Swanson. "
"The MTV’s part too? " He tried to joke to lighten the heavy and spiteful atmosphere resting upon their shoulders.
"The MTV’s part too. "

Patrick was like a caged lion. It’s been three days since he was back in his apartment. His chest did not make him suffer more than before and, if necessary, he had the medicines within reach. However, any effort was still prohibited to him, and even if he had the right to leave, he avoided to the maximum. Mood, on the contrary, did not improved and he was more bitter and bitter toward all living things surrounding it, the dog of Mrs. Smith, his neighbor, included. When Anna had the misfortune to call him or worse to pass, he regretted his behavior towards her as soon as the door closed behind her or just after hunging up. She does not mind though and knew that it was only a phase, particularly difficult when it was happening to a man as invested in his work that Patrick could be. He was boiling from the inside as he felt useless, aimless in his drab existence. However, there was a positive thing because since leaving hospital he was able to finally sleep a full night. It was as if his body was left completely down and finally caught up with all the spare time with a voracious appetite that left him sleepy throughout the day. He didn’t have that kind of baby sleep since he was just child.
Despite the return of peace during nights, days were different. It was no longer the strange dreams that seemed straight out of a previous life. And if at first he wanted to get rid of them, they strangely failed him now. It was even a lack: he felt empty and hollow. Clearly something was missing in his life. He tried to soothe his soul well, take care of something else but nothing worked. As he was awake, he couldn’t help but thinking about those dreams and those blue eyes that a lifetime would not forget. Finally, he decided to take the bull by the horns and picked up the phone.
"Djem. "
"Hi, Djem. "
"Hey Patrick, how are you? Well, i hope? "
"I do. Can I ask you a service? "
Silence fell on the line for a few seconds before the young man sighed and, finally, Patrick heard the voice of the policeman in a resigned tone:
"Anna will kill me. "
Patrick laughed lightly but do not try to deny. He did not like lying.
"Would you find me anything you can find on a Henry. He is patient at the Claymore institutions. "
"I guess you want it for yesterday? "
"Thank you. "

Patrick laid his eyes on the vast green expanse before him, casting his eyes on patients and caregivers accompanying them. He never thought to ever come back in these places again. And throughout the drive, he had continued to tell to himself it was a bad idea and that he had no reason to be in the asylum. At least not yet. There was a safe bet that if he continued on this path, he would soon join the ranks of patients here. His emeralds eyes rested on a figure he immediately recognized as belonging to the young student who had been so uncooperative with him. She was fixing him and never took away her big brown eyes. More than at any time, she gave the impression of a deer caught in the headlights of the car. Or the cat who was about to attack. But given the context and place, he preferred to concentrate on the first hypothesis.
He bent his head aside while smiling at her, sending her a kind hello and expressing his gratitude to the assistance she had provided in revealing important clues to Anna. The jaw of the young woman seemed tense, an impression reinforced by her clenched fists. Then, she turned to go into the building without giving him any attention. The detective let escape merely a sigh and rolled his eyes before reporting his attention on the people surrounding him. As he couldn’t find the one he was searching to, he stopped a nurse who was near him.
"Excuse me, miss, I'm looking for Henry Withfield. "
She stopped and pointed a bench a few yards of them, on the other side of the park. He thanked her and let her go away, his eyes completely attracted by the fine figure he could only guess at this distance. Taking a deep breath, he approached. Gradually, as his footsteps led him to the young patient, he realized that he was much calmer than last time but his look was much more alive as well. He was quietly reading a book which he could not see the title for now and without his clothes, he could have looked like a sane person. Patrick also realized that his heart was beating louder and that a sweat began to wet his neck and hands. While he was only a few steps away from Henry, the young patient closed his book and looked up to him, smiling tenderly. Patrick felt his heart and all being breaking in a torrent that took him by surprise and made him dizzy for a few difficult breaths. His situation did not improve when the warm and intense voice of the patient raised.
"You came back. "

fiction, michael fassbender, james mcavoy, i knew you before

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