Library tweets and 50 Novels to make you a better person (!)

Jan 24, 2014 19:39

ALA Midwinter, a huge library conference, is going on right now in Philadelphia.  I cracked up over some of the Tweets about it.  Librarian humor - Feel it!  Share it!

Fake Library Stats @FakeLibStats
68% of librarians in Philadelphia will be legally drunk for the next 72 hours; 75% of those not in Philadelphia #alamw14

#alamw14 starts with the sorting of new librarians into their houses: Ravendemic, Hufflepublic, Gryffenschool, and Specialytherin.

#alamw14 The Cannibal Roundtable will be gathering tonight to determine order in which members will be eaten if the conference is snowed in.

Remember #alamw14: if you see someone succumb to the cold, check their badge. That library is now hiring.


I'm also wondering what you all think about this list of 50 Novels Guaranteed to Make You a Better Person.  Should I feel bad that I've read only 4, and two of those for classes?  On the other hand, Lolita, really?
Two read for classes: Things Fall Apart, To Kill a Mockingbird
Two free reads: Brideshead Revisted, The Left Hand of Darkness

funny, libraries, reading

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