I've been enjoying a lot of good stories recently. First up, the
Welcome to Night Vale podcast, recc'ed by
Sabriel75. It's wonderfully weird and reminds me very much of NPR radio dramas we used to listen to. People say it's very much HP Lovecraft, but ya know, I've never actually read any Lovecraft. Am I the only one? It always seems like everyone knows all about him in the geek crowd. Guess I should make room for at least one of his works on my TBR list - any recommendations?
Anyway, I'm getting ready for episode 9 or 10, something about Wheat and Wheat By-Products? My favorite ep so far has been "History Week." I love the City Council's History Week Theme, and the story of the town's settlement (wish I had the quotes!). But most of all I love the complaints about the Public Library - computers too old, check-out period too short, fatality rate too high, and the Bloodstone Circle not maintained well enough. LOL! And then there's Carlos's perfect hair, the libertarian Feral Dogs, the angels (who are liars and don't exist), and the secret world under the bowling alley, among others. Heehee!
In book form, I've been re-reading (after almost 30 years) the Mary Stewart Merlin series. I was half afraid I would be disappointed (you know how it is, going back to things you thought were great as a teen), but it's really just as good as I remembered. I especially liked the parts about the Giant's Dance (Stonehenge) after seeing it in person last summer!
Movie-wise, we finally got to watch the new Star Trek movie. Yes, it was really cool, and I loved the reveal about [SPOILER] Khan. But, I kept thinking how I would have loved to see Paul McGillian as Scotty. I'm sure I missed a lot of references, but yay for Tribbles (and a few others I caught)!
TV: The Mentalist on Sunday was a rerun! How dare they! And I see on Twitter that Castle was pre-empted as well. Speaking of, this was apparently the real teaser for Castle run in a real newspaper:
https://twitter.com/RokOgreknight/status/392479627987677184/photo/1 Browncoats are everywhere! But tonight is a new Supernatural! I'm off to rewatch last week's ep before the new one.