SPN Season 7 thoughts

Feb 19, 2013 19:12

So, I've watched through 7.14 "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie," thanks to gateslacker. I had to call Chuck E Cheese today to ask about prizes for a reading contest, and all I could think about was Plucky Pennywhistle's.

7.1 Meet the News Boss
Cass's continuing descent was heartbreaking, although the scene in the church was rather darkly funny. And then they rip your heart out some more making you think Cass will be ok, and then he's not. But at least he did come around mentally, or spiritually, or whatever you want to call it. And the Lucifer arc with Sam was just chilling. I found myself wondering if he really was still in the pit. Poor Sam! Poor Cass! Poor Dean!

7.2 Hello Cruel World
Yay Sherriff Mills! I really like her. But all those scenes in the hospital were disturbing. I think it's because you're so vulnerable in the hospital, that I get so uneasy about it. Bobby was great, as usual, but I found the Lucifer/Sam thread more interesting. I loved the scene in the warehouse where Dean finds a way (the cut hand) to bring Sam back, to anchor him. And, *gasp* - Bobby's house gone! And, even more shocking, they actually call 911 when they're hurt!

7.3 The Girl Next Door
The beginning at the hospital was nicely suspenseful. My heart was pounding hoping they would get away. I *loved* Sam's flashbacks (especially the "Dean, how do you talk to girls?" line). And the Amy Pond alias. However, I was totally against Dean's decision to kill Amy. I understand his reasoning, but at that point it was not about the monster (how many other monsters have they let go?!) -- it was about trusting Sam and respecting his judgement/wishes. Nooooo, Dean!!!! Arg! You know characters are under your skin when they can aggravate you so much.

7.4 Defending Your Life
This was the Stargate ep, eh? Even the music sounded like Stargate music. But, oh, the hashing out of all the guilt. Poor Dean! Why must he take so much on himself? I guess we know the answer to that - early training. But it's heart-wrenching just the same. It's interesting also that Sam is over the guilt - is this also helping him resist Lucifer's hallucinations?

7.5 Shut up, Dr. Phil
This ep had some good laughs, and it was nice to see James Marsters! The one thing that bothered me, in relation to Dean's ganking Amy, was that they face these two powerful witches, and Dean seems not at all concerned that they get away. Admittedly S&D didn't have any immediate way to kill the witches, but they had killed 4 relatively innocent people, for no very good reason. And who knows how many others in the past. How does Dean reconcile that with his inability to let Amy go?

7.6 Slash Fiction
Ok - plot quibble: I can get how the Leviathan that Bobby touches morphs into him and has his thoughts (nice foreshadowing about Bobby's relationship to his father), but I don't get how getting the boys' DNA from their *hair* gives the Leviathan copies access to all their thoughts and memories. Maybe they got some from Cass, but Dean killing Amy happened after Cass, so, huh? It's a great ep, though. Sheriff Mills! Accidental discovery of the power of borax! Bobby snark ("I already know all about me") and Bobby romance (very bittersweet in hindsight). Evil dopplegangers! The boys in jail! Dick Roman and Crowley! Can I use any more exclamation points!?!?!

It's now time for me to rewatch "Home," hopefully I'll get back to the rest of my probably annoyingly generic thoughts on S7 eps in the future.

tv, spn

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