Mar 25, 2010 10:32
I don't know if this seems paranoid or whatever but I have always wondered if people that aren't in my life anymore for whatever reason still follow me or think of me. I always like to think so since no one makes 0 impact in someones life and that everyone means something to someone. I always had funny thoughts of people that I haven't seen in a while driving past my house trying to look for me and just wanted to drop in for a hello.
Is it wrong to act like that? To have these delusions of thinking that people still care about you despite not having seen/heard from you in X amount of time. I know I do it for other people when I pass by certain areas that makes me think of the past. Whether it be a traffic light you shared a moment with someone to a landmark that has some sort of significance.
I also keep thinking who does remember me. I mean I have met lots of people in the years and when I have tried to talk to them after a time they don't seem to remember or care who I am despite knowing them for a short while. This happens to other people I have known for longer. I try to come back and say "Hey!" or something and they just don't remember anything. Granted I do the same thing since I don't have the best memory ever but I try to hold on to any memories I might have.
This also leads to me never burning any bridges down with people I have known. This might also eventually lead to my downfall but I RARELY burn any bridges. This is probably why I hold on to things that I shouldn't be trying to pursue but I feel that if you always leave the door open to someone they will eventually come around and have the ability to mend any old problem that might have come up in the first place. Don't know if that holds true to people that have burned their bridge with me but I always liked to think that its a 2-way street that if they burn their bridge, then my side would still be up just in case.
So if you read this and I haven't talked to you in a while, I'm not hard to find and am always willing to listen to anything you want to say to me.